Is This Normal?


New Member
Hello! I just got my leo a little over a week ago and I was wondering if this is normal. She has figured out from what end the cage opens and she is now completely preoccupied with it when she is up and about. She just claws, claws, claws at that part of the tank and I'm a bit concerned that she might hurt herself. She's done this for the last 4 or so evenings in a row now. The temps/everything else is spot on. TIA for any help.


New Member
Also, are Leopard geckos like snakes in that they tolerate handling but that's it? I've heard from people that their geckos actually beg to be held when they see their owner, but I was under the impression that no reptiles had "emotional attachments" so to speak.


New Member
Lexington KY
Every Leo is different I hear... Pixel likes to hang out more towards the front so she can see what I'm doing. At first I thought it had something to do with temp gradient, but the back and front center should be around the same temp. Also... every now and then she'll follow me around the room. She completely understands where her mealies or crickets are.


New Member
I think I figured it out. I took her out for like 5 minutes and she calmed right down. I think she may already be hand trained and just wanted some out time. Would love more opinions on the handling question!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Some of mine seem to enjoy human interaction, others tolerate it, others still would just as soon be left alone. Some are happy with a pat on the head daily. Sometimes they're moody. But they all have their own "normal behavior". Your gecko will develop its' own normal. As a side note, be sure your tank is always closed securely, geckos are escape artists.


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
Some of mine seem to enjoy human interaction, others tolerate it, others still would just as soon be left alone. Some are happy with a pat on the head daily. Sometimes they're moody. But they all have their own "normal behavior". Your gecko will develop its' own normal. As a side note, be sure your tank is always closed securely, geckos are escape artists.

Laney needs a gold star for this post!

couldn't have said it better myself. and there is always debate regarding whether or not they "enjoy" being handled. i thing honestly it's just a natural instinct to explore. say you had a gecko that was always at the edge of the tank, clawing to get out. you reach in and it crawls up your arm. some might say that's proof that it wanted to be held. now take the same gecko and put it on the floor. you sit on one side and put your hand out somewhere near it. do you think it's going to crawl back up your arm or wander off looking for a dark spot to hide? just as laney said, some tolerate it, others want to eat your face. either way i love them all the same :main_thumbsup:


New Member
That all makes a lot of sense, thank you. And no worries, I have a locking lid, there's no way she could push it open unless she breaks through the metal pin, which is impossible. I learned the locking lid lesson 10 years ago with my snakes, that was... fun.


New Member
Toon acts just like that. She has 2 sliding doors on the front of her tank and she'll claw at them sometimes. I took a video once. It's pretty funny. But she'll calm right down after I take her out for a bit to walk on my arms.


New Member
I believe all reptiles are -capable- of emotional attachment, it just depends on if they want to actually do it or not. Clare (gecko) right now could really care less if I live or die, as long as the mealworms keep coming. Travis (bearded dragon) seems to be very attached to me. She refuses to eat for my husband and turns her back on him, but she greets me whenever I go into the room. She also gets angry if I go into the room and don't walk over to pet her head. I also have a couple frogs who seem attached to me, and several more frogs who just want the food to keep coming. So, it just depends on the animal imo.

As a side note, my snake barely bothers to remember who I am. -_-
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