I have a female that laid eggs on 5/18/12 and they were infertile probaly due to her being so thin when i got her. She is well over 50 grams as of now! I saw the other day she was really porky and now it looks like shes dropped from round to thin. I haven't found any eggs anywhere in her enclosure. She still looks like she is gravid, but i don't know. Is this normal to go that long without laying again ? Could the have eaten them ? She gets very restless at times, and a few days ago she was digging hear and there.... but that's when she was fatter looking....
Alos, I feed every night, sometimes she will eat several small dubias- and other nights she will ignore them...
Alos, I feed every night, sometimes she will eat several small dubias- and other nights she will ignore them...
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