Ive missed a alot and I give up


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Ive missed a lot lately, just haven't felt like posting much, or reading the forum or doing anything that isn't to take care of the kids to be honest.

Even though home life has been better lately and Rodney is making me and I mean making me go out and do stuff, yard work, visiting family some and stuff like that. I still can't sleep much at all, I stay awake til about 5am when his clock goes off, then I watch TV then I go to bed for a little while til the kids get up, I guess from maybe 7am to 11 am then we doo our stuff. Wash clothes, clean, pick up the mess from the day before etc.

The only thing I really feel like doing is cooking, I love to cook, weird I guess but I want to cook all day and all night.

I also lost almost all of my geckos (didn't have many but...) and my entire season (about 40 eggs but probably 4-6K).

When Snowball had her puppies she went haywire and started going after our cats. I always keep the bedroom door closed and Rodney left it open one day when he left for work. Not noticing the door open since Id slept in the living room I let snowball in to feed the pups while I went to my moms for the day and one of the cats was in the house, she must have went after the cat which led to all of my bins and my incubator in the floor. When I got home Blue (one of the black cats) ran out of the house and I found the mess in the bedroom and did the best I could to reset the eggs in their containers and all. After all that mess I had my mack snow het bell, mack poss het bell female, my 1st hatched male, 2 of my stripes, my electric het bell and 2 tangs.

Snowball later attacked 2 of the cats which was a very nasty depressing thing to see and have to deal with and I had to go after her to get her to let go of the cat and I wound up bloody and still wasn;t able to save my cats.

I only had with 1 egg hatch and all of the rest went green and nasty. I wound up losing all but a few leos and still have not found any of them. I have no idea how long they had been in the floor but must have been long enough to destroy what could have hatched.

Anyway, Im done with breeding, Ive set the few I decided to keep in pet type set up in tanks and gave some to my FIL who loves leos too. I just can't do this anymore to be honest. The loses hurt more than the good parts feel good.

Ive been very angry and really want to cus, scream, yell and flat out kick someones ass, thats my reason for not reading and posting much, I don't want to go off on someone on the forum and take all of this anger out on some undeserving or deserving for that matter person.

So Ive been keeping to myself and just getting by one day at a time.

I miss my friends a lot, more than any of you will ever know and I hope to get my head and ass wired properly so I can get back to everything.

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