Jeweled Curly-Tail Info?


Ruled by Reptiles
A while back at ReptiCon in Tampa, where I got Rose, there was someone selling these gorgeous little curly-tail lizards.

I had encountered some much bigger, wild ones on vacation in Ft.Myers and on Captiva Island, and was fascinated by those tails of theirs!

The Jeweled curly-tails at ReptiCon really grabbed my attention, so I plan on getting two or three some time in the future. [If my ball python wishes go unanswered, at least.]

However, like with my Bibron's gecko, I'm having some hard time finding a lot of info on them.

Does anyone have any info on them? Mostly set-up and how big they get? The wild, black-ish curly-tails I saw on vacation were half the size of my forearm, but apparently the Jeweled ones are much smaller. [Seller said they were full-grown?]


New Member
Your right,there is not enough info on them,i could actually write a care sheet on them when i get free time. I learned basically everything i know about them through my own experience keeping them and little scraps of info found on the web that was mostly inaccurate.

But here's a good care sheet someone on another forum wrote,

I only have a few words to saw in reply to this care sheet,all in all pretty good. Heres the feed back i gave.
Nice,care sheet you are right there is really little to no information on these guys at all,i have been thinking about writing a care sheet on these guys myself.

I currently have 5 of the Northern Curly Tail (Cuban Curly Tail),and i find it that they absolutely all love to burrow,i find it that cypress,eco earth and organic top soil works best for me,i hate sand,it is hard to clean looks weird. I tried aspen as well,it works fairly good.

I also think 95f should top it at the basking temps,they like it hot yeah, but i offer a gradient of 88-106f as a basking spot and they usually stay in the 95f area. My biggest male ounce basked on the highest point and it was only at 104f and he showed signs of over heating there and quickly moved back down (after about 10mins).

Your right about the hungry part as well,these guys eat absolutely anything. I have had luck with fruits and veggies,but of course you tried with a different species so my experience differs in a way.. Try something sweet like mango and berries mines went nuts for it.

I have to disagree with the D3 being a need,as long as you are providing Uvb lighting and a varied diet supplemented without d3,D3 is not needed. I see D3 as more of a chemical than a calcium supplement,you can also over dose on D3. I stick to without D3 at least three times a week.

Great sheet though....

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