Jewels isn't doing good :(


New Member
So recently I had posted that jewels was throwing up her food. Well she has done that with everything she has eaten. Her poop has turned to liquid, and I'm worried :( I have repti boost, I was going to start giving her that maybe? What should I do? I don't want to loose her, she was my first leopard gecko :(

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Ridgewood, NJ
If you could fill this out it would help:

My first step would be to request a free kit from Avian Services Center: DNA sexing and disease testing for all species of birds. and send a fecal sample in it to them to test for crypto. If that comes back negative then I'd get to a vet to see what else might be causing it. Of course, this is assuming your set up is correct. Completing the above form will help folks give advice on husbandry issues :)

Fingers crossed you can get to the root of what's going on with her!


New Member
About your leo:
- Sex- female
- Age & Weight- ive actually never weighed her. im not sure how old she is either, probably around 6 or 7 months.
- How long have you owned your leo- around 2 months
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend)- pet smart (i know, but i couldnt resist her pattern)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo: maybe 1-2 a week
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now.- shes always acted a bit odd, cant see very well. cant see small worms, runs into things, walks right off my hand or my bed, but she can see crickets. its weird. her poop has been liquid and shes been throwing up anything she eats.
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe.
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal) they have gotten to be liquid.
- When was the last time he/she went- last night-she poops every day
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on
she has started throwing up anything she eats, mostly crickets because she cant see worms. her poop has become liquid.
A) Enclosure
- Size- 20 long
- Type (ex. glass tank) glass tank screen lid
- Type of substrate- repti carpet
- Hides, how many, what kind- 3, cool, moist, warm

B) Heating
- Heat source- under tank heater
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) hot side, 85-90, cool side, 75-80
- Method of regulating heat source
- What are you using to measure your temps- digital probe
- Do you have any lights (describe) just a florescent bulb
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females) 2 females that eat and poop fine.
- Describe health, or previous problems- none

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much)- crickets, as many as should we eat. she used to love mealworms until she stopped being able to see them
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect)- just dropping them in there
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands) i cant look right now, but i dust with calcium every feeding, and calcium d3 once a week.
- What are you gut loading food with- carrots

Ink'd Out Geckos

New Member
Tamiment, PA
Honestly and please correct me if I'm wrong but I wouldn't have 85-90 on the hot spot. You want the low number there to be 90. 90-94. I rather keep it warmer then needed and let the gecko cool them self then not have it warm enough ie: 85. Not saying at all that this is the problem but if it's strictly a digestive issue you could look into that. I would keep her away from your other geckos in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Whenever the symptoms of regurgitation and liquid feces come up, Cryptosporidium is the major concern. That parasite is deadly, and it spreads easily between animals.

First step is to move her cagemates into a different enclosure if possible. You could also move her out and disinfect the enclosure, but if it is Crypto, only pure ammonia would disinfect everything. It might be easier just to move out the cagemates.

Next step would be to get the test done for Cryptosporidium. Angela Smith wrote up an excellent step-by-step on how to obtain a test kit and send out a test:

Since she has been having trouble keeping down food, you may want to try hand feeding her to keep up her strength. The most popular recipe is the Golden Gate Geckos slurry:

You can also consult a vet for parasite testing and help with her treatment. You will likely end up needed to consult a vet either way, but it is usually cheaper to send the Crypto test yourself rather than getting it done through a vet.


New Member
Yes, sorry I haven't been able to reply, I've been so busy :/

I haven't been able to separate her yet because I have literally no place to put her, but I tried hand feeding her some mealworms (remember I said she can't see the mealworms?) Well, she's been eating at least 2 every night, and hasn't barfed them up :D once she even ate 4! I don't want to push it though in case she does throw them up. I also caught her sitting in her water bowl, but I don't know if that's a good sign or not haha. But I think she's doing really good! :)

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