"jumbo" leos?


Aunt J

I've seen "jumbo leopard geckos" sold in a couple of PetSmarts. Does anyone know if this is just marketing-speak for "adult", or if these are actually giants? The ones I've seen appeared to have regular markings.

Aunt J

Thank-you. I've been wanting to see a giant in person, but I couldn't tell what I was looking at.

By the way -- I'm new to leopard geckos and very much appreciate all the advice you give, on both this forum and on the golden gate geckos page. I've printed up your care sheets and made copies for both myself and my nephews, who have a new gecko as of Christmas.


giants are very impressive in person :main_yes:
Pet stores always try to generate sales with making names :main_rolleyes: For example, my pet bichir (a fish) goes by the trade name of "dinosaur eel" or "dragon fish" because they know people will be more intrested in something that sounds cool or exotic or intresting. That reminds me... Ive got to get my racks built so I will have enough room to move my fish into a 75gallon soon

I LOVE giants. I hope to hatch my own this season, both from giant X giant and Giant X non-giant. Hopefully Ill be lucky and get a super giant :D Ive yet to see one of those in person.

The way you can tell a giant from a normal is giants look longer, like they are stretched out or something. Once they start putting on weight they get really fat, plus they grow really fast. I believe RT has pictures of giants next to normals on his website, I know for a fact that he has them in his book.

Okay, I rambled a little :p

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