Jumping Geckos


New Member
Does anyone else have "jumping geckos"? I swear, Flash looks like a flying squirrel, with her arms and legs spread out as she jumps.

It's gotten to the point where I am nervous to even handle her as she has jumped off my hands several times. I'm not just saying she walked off, like she literally leap off my hand and did not care where she lands. She can sit still and then jump up about 4 inches (mind you, she is only a total of 6inches long). Gah. Any advice? :main_huh:

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Keep her over safe objects :) Eros was a jumper when he first got here too. They kinda grow out of it a bit. You'll learn to recognize the look in her eye before she's fixin to jump. Eros had a nasty fall 1 time right onto a table about 2 feet down from my hand. He became more hesitant to jump after that :main_yes: I think the more I handle him the less he decides he wants to jump unless it's to get from sitting on me to get to the dark pillow next to me or onto my husband who is like a living heater :D no more daring than that tho but he is THEE least graceful thing when he jumps. He usually ends up face planting into whatever he's trying to jump ON... silly boy. I also cup him in my hands if I'm walking with him now to let him know there is no chance he's gonna jump. At the very least block their face. They can't jump to what they can't see right.


I've had 2 "flying squirrel" episodes, lol. When I first got her (a few months ago) my RAPTOR leaped like literally 8 inches of the floor of her tank at my hand! I had NO IDEA they could jump that high! I was using tongs to offer her a superworm and she was more interested in my fingers!!!! I guess she was REALLY hungry and thought my fingers looked like a more filling meal:main_laugh: (good thing I was using TONGS!!!!!) but she's ok now.

And my other flying squirrel was one of my fat tails! I had NO warning! He seemed perfectly content in my hand, but little did I know he was planning an escape attempt! I think he thought he had a parachute on or something! He jumped right off my hand and fell like 3 feet to the tile floor, and I heard a SPLAT! He did a belly flop! I quickly scooped him up, and put him back, we were both freaked out....but thank goodness he's OK.

We are both learning to be more careful;)
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New Member
haha good stories. Flash jumped off my hand to attack my face once...it was scary (for me!) lol

When they fall, can they get hurt? One of mine fell a decent ways...I checked for internal bleeding or broken limbs but did not see anything. She got up and walked if off so I'm thinking she's alright.

Also, my old gecko and now this newer one..they like to climb to the top of this log I have in the tank and then fall off of it. And after they fall, they do it again and again...is this normal? I feel like they might get hurt. lol

anyone else with jumping stories? I'd love to hear :D


New Member
Sheffield, UK
I just got two mourning geckos today now these guys can jump.
If you dont know what morning geckos are, they are about an inch long. not including tail. so they are tiny little things. though not joking they are faster than leos by far. and they can stick to walls. they can literally jump onto a wall, its great, to watch.
when i was dealing with them earlier id be using one hand and id thought id lost one because she'd jumped and stuck to my other hand haha


New Member
I just got two mourning geckos today now these guys can jump.
If you dont know what morning geckos are, they are about an inch long. not including tail. so they are tiny little things. though not joking they are faster than leos by far. and they can stick to walls. they can literally jump onto a wall, its great, to watch.
when i was dealing with them earlier id be using one hand and id thought id lost one because she'd jumped and stuck to my other hand haha

lol I'm always afraid of those types. I'm nervous that I will open the tank, turn around for a second, look back, and they would be on the ceiling! That's why I stick to the leo's :main_cool3:

Speaking of tiny geckos, I went to a reptile expo and they had geckos that were like, no word of a like, probably 1/4 of an inch. Does anyone know what these are? How do you make sure you don't lose them or crush them? lol


New Member
Sheffield, UK
could be yellow headed dwarf gecko's. those things are even smaller.

and its hard not to crush them lol, and escape proof cages are essential lol.

yellow headed dwarf geckos look quite like leo's. though smaller than a leos leg haha

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