Just a few shows

Jeremy Letkey

Jaded by reality!!
outta my freakin mind
I'm linking to my show page. Where to find me

I'll be pretty busy over the next 2 months.
Not on the page but just added is the 12th annual Iowa Reptile Breeders Expo. Sponsored by the Iowa Herpetological Society. Iowa Herp Show

I hope to see some of you out at the shows. Deals are always available for Geckoforums members. :main_thumbsup: So make sure to say hi! ;)

Double LY

Can't wait to see you this weekend!!!

Michael is worried - the last show we went we were just supposed to be picking up a cage and ended up bringing two beardies home too. At the spring KC Breeder Expo I was going to "maybe buy one" and came home with four leos and a crestie. This time I've already "pre-ordered" two leos from Jeremy :eek: Got any old racks lying around that you need to get rid of ;)

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