Just another reason why you need thermometers...


Pet Owner
...because you will think you're unplugging your lamp when you actually unplug your UTH.... DANGIT!!!

hate my life right now =_= I unplugged what I thought was my lamp last night ot charge my phone.
Got up this morning, grabbed my phone, and left for the day.
Came back tonight and found my hot side at 79* and wanted to hit myself :/
especially since it turns out that my girl had just shed.

If I didn't have a thermometer to tell me that my floor temp was 79* I probably never would have known.
So for those out there that are thermometer-less - stop being a penny pincher and go buy one! or 2 actually!

Funny that my lamp has all these stickers on it for fire hazards, you'd think it'd be the UTH! (that's why I pulled that cord, I thought the one with all the tags on it was my UTH >_. I have now learned my lesson and wrapped the top of my UTH cord in red electrical tape)

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I have all my son's lights and uth on his python's tank marked with lil masking tape flags and wrote on each which is which. A little tape goes a long way for air heads like me :)

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I don't know that I can take TOTAL credit for that one. Hubby did a similar thing for out computer area 'cept h used different color tapes to mark things (he use to build helos for the marine corps so there really isn't room enough in a helo motor for all the lil masking tape flags :) ). Talk about a wire mess. Geesh. I just applied it to the python's tank seeing how much headache it saves in dealing with the computer's wires.

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