Juvenile Leo refusing to eat?


New Member
(Here is the questionnaire)
Male, age unknown (he is smaller, so I'm assuming around 6 months-ish). I've had him for a week now, bought at ++++++++.
I have not handled him yet, because I didn't want to freak him out too much, but i do lay my hand on the bottom of his tank and he checks out my fingers and walks around my hand, so that he gets used to my hands.
Since bringing him home, he has been eating very well. I give mealworms and crickets, he eats both enthusiastically. I dust them with Calcium w/D3 supplement everyday, except 2 days out of the week I use vitamin supplement instead. He gets fed in the evening.
B) Fecals
I have been looking but I can't find where he poops, so I haven't seen it, or maybe he buries it. I use Eco-Earth as substrate because a lot of people said that was a good substrate as it minimizes smell and unlike sand, is easily passed through in case he eats some of it. When hunting if he accidentally gets some in his mouth, I see him spit it out. I also think he enjoys it because he likes to dig and then lay in the little whole he made, both in his warm and cold hide.
C) Problem
Yesterday he refused to eat, he came over to look at the mealworm and stared at it, then just turned away. I tried again a couple hours later, and still didn't want it. I offered it again this morning, thinking maybe he just wasn't hungry last night, and he did the same thing. I guess I'm just wondering if this is potentially something to worry about, he is my first reptile ever, so I'm sort of panicking because I really want him to live a long and happy life.

A) enclosure
He is in a 20gallon glass tank with a caged top, Eco earth as substrate. He has two tree trunk hides on his warm side. (Like a tree trunk cut in half and hollowed out) One is dry and the other is moist. On his cool side he had a rock-looking hide. There are some decorations in there that I see him climb around on from time to time.
I use a zoo med UTH that I have to unplug and plug back in after a few hours because I don't have a rheostat/thermostat yet. It's in the mail, should arrive sometime this week. So his temperature fluctuates in his warm hide from 86-98 degrees F, where I have the thermometer probe. I also use a inferred red heat lamp during the day because it is cold out and my house is cold as well. I turn the lamp off at night, leaving the UTH on. I use one of those "point and measure" thermometers that tell you temp of the surface. The cold side stays around 69-73degrees F. No additional lights or anything.
C) Cagemates

A) typical diet
I feed mealworms along with small-sized crickets every evening. I hold either the worm or cricket with my hand until it gets his attention then I let it go and he goes after it. I do that until he stops being interested in food. Usually about 5 mealworms or 6-7 crickets. Depends on which I feed that day. I take out the one he doesn't eat.
B) supplements
I use Repti-Cal with D3 for 4 feedings in a row, the fifth I dust with Herptivite Multivitimins. I feed the crickets Flukers cricket quencher (fortified with calcium) as a water source and Repashy Superload as food. The mealworms get the same, but I throw in some cut-up carrots as well.

Am I doing anything wrong? I did a lot of research before purchasing him, even though it was recommended that I buy from a breeder. I got him because he looked really cute (also they had a sale going on) and the pets at the store all looked like they were well cared for. And is his loss of appetite anything to worry over right now?

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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Welcome to GF!

Personally, I think allowing him to hunt crickets on eco-earth is hazardous. While I do think eco-earth poses less of a risk of impaction, the risk is not 0. Since you've seen him get it in his mouth while hunting, I would honestly replace it. Hatchlings and juvies are particularly susceptible to impaction. Why not use something like tile? It has 0 risk of impaction and distributes belly heat better than loose substrate.

Otherwise I think your set up sounds fine. The only thing I would change is dusting with calcium with D3 4 times a week. It's best to use D3 once or twice a week, vitamins once or twice a week, and calcium without D3 the rest of the time. Or you could make your life easy and switch to an all-in-one every day supplement like Repashy Calcium Plus.

Maybe another thing is I doubt the half-log that is moist is really moist enough. It's best to use something that is sealed other than an opening to enter and exit.

I don't think going off of food for a few days is anything to worry about. All my geckos do that sometimes.

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