Kansas City Show This Sunday


Double LY

I had to start a thread because I'm bursting with excitement about the reptile show on Sunday.

I'm going in with a "must buy" list of at least one leo and one crestie. I found a somewhat local breeder of cresteds and can't wait to add one to our menagerie of critters. "Letkey's Leos" is also making the haul down here and I'm way excited to meet him and whoever he brings along.

Man, it might be hard to leave with just two!!!! It also doesn't help that I have SEVERAL empty tanks/hides/food dishes sitting around waiting to be filled :eek:

Double LY

Jeremy Letkey said:
Kelly, I can't wait to meet you.

For cresteds, there is a local breeder named Dorthy of http://www.cicadahollowcrestedgeckos.com/ .
I highly recommend her. :main_yes:

See you soon. lol

That's who I'm planning on buying the crestie from!!! Only 13 more hours to go - boy I need to get a more exciting life :p

Oh and Scott - I learned my lesson the expensive way which is why we keep extra supplies around now. The difference in price when buying from the store and buying used/online is CRAZY!!!

Double LY

The show was a success - check out the Show Off Your Leos and Crested sections for pics soon :D


Oh, darn. I was planning to check it out, but I ended up sleeping through most of the afternoon. :main_lipsrsealed: I've been very sleep deprived the whole weekend. I didn't know Jeremy was going to be there though!

There were actually two shows on Sunday about 35 minutes away from each other. The smaller bimonthly one in Overland Park and then the bigger bi-annual KCHS one in Kansas City, MO.

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