Lavender geckos- genetic or temperature?


New Member
So I have been trying to understand lavender leopard geckos but I am confused. Is a lavender leo produced by a certain genetic trait or is it how it was incubated? I see all kinds of morphs with lavender but i am not finding a answer.

Also is the bold strip and reverse stripe mack snows produced from line breeding or another way?


Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
The lavender trait you're wondering about is a line bred trait. It's taking 2 of the best animals expressing the highest amount of lavender then bred together in hopes of increasing the amount of lavender.

There are a few different examples of how the lavender is being used. Paul Allen of Bright Albino is working on a solid Lavender Bell albino. He's very very close to creating it. Jeff Sr and Jr of JMG are working with the Lavender Stripes. These geckos exhibit a very high amount of lavender along the sides of the gecko. They are also breeding this trait into their Redstripe Rainwaters to have a high contrast between the lavender sides up to the orange of the redstripe. There are also various others that are working on increasing the lavender coloration on many different morphs like the Bold Stripe Bells.

The bold stripe and reverse stripe is still a controversial topic of debate. There are many that say that it is a recessive trait while others believe it to being a line bred trait. As far as my personal opinion it's a line bred trait that stemmed from the jungle gene.

The reverse stripe is also in the same boat as the bold stripe. My personal opinion is that the reverse stripe falls in with the eclipse trait. You will notice that many geckos that exhibit the eclipse trait or are het for eclipse have the reverse stripe associated with them. As far as this being 100% true for every gecko it's not but that's a personal observation that I have made.

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