Lay Box/ Humid Hide question?


Mr. JoBangles

Well 2 of my Leos just recently mated so of course I am preparing myself and my lil friends for eggs and hatchlings. Details are all in this thread: I have 3 Leos and only have ONE humid hide in my 75g tank. I have only had the girl for about 2 weeks now and she will not go into that humid hide. The other two will though. I have even put her in it myself and she just climbs right back out of it. She will lay next to it all night long (it's on the hot side) but usually during the day will stay in the dry cool hide. I'm using moss as a substrate for the humid hide. I'm just worried she won't lay them in the laybox/ humid hide being this is her first time breeding.

My question i need to add another humid hide/laybox for her, being that all 3 leos share the one i currently have? Why is she not liking the one i currently have? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!


Aspiring Hobby Breeder
Greensboro NC
Can she get into the humid hide on her own? Does she use it ever even for shedding? If the box is large enough for all three to be sort of crammed in there, the size should be fine.

Mr. JoBangles

Can she get into the humid hide on her own? Does she use it ever even for shedding? If the box is large enough for all three to be sort of crammed in there, the size should be fine.

She can get into it but she won't. I've only had her for 2 weeks so have yet to see her shed. It is definately big enough for all 3 to get in. Should I add another laybox maybe?


Aspiring Hobby Breeder
Greensboro NC
If you've only had her for two weeks and she hasn't shed, she may not have found a need to go in there, so she should be fine. If all three can fit in there and get in there, they should be fine!
Good luck!

Mr. JoBangles

Thanks for your help Clink. Just noticed you're in Greensboro. Only an hour from me. Awesome. lol. Will she still lay her eggs in there even though the other 2 use that hide?
Courtice, Ontario
I have a 65 Gallon setup with four leopard geckos in it (1 male & 3 females)
they have one humid hide/lay box they all use it and they all lay there eggs in it no problems at all even if the others are in it at the same time.


Aspiring Hobby Breeder
Greensboro NC
She should definitely use the same one. If they aren't fertile, or she hasn't established a spot she likes to sleep or relax in, she may lay them anywhere, so keep a good eye out, because if they aren't kept moist they will shrivel up and die.
P.S. I've been through Cary a few times! I'm in the process currently of moving from Greenville to Greensboro. I have a lot of cages to move!

Mr. JoBangles

Thanks again everyone. You were a huge help. Now i don't have too add another Tupperware dish and crowd up the tank. I went and bought a big bag of perlite and a big bag of Sphagnum Moss today. I plan to use the Moss for the laybox and the Perlite for the Incubator. This is the best stuff for the process correct? Also ordered my hovabator today!

Clink- Why the move from Greenville to Greensboro? Which part of G-boro are you moving too. Stay safe out there my friend. I've had bad luck in greensboro.


Aspiring Hobby Breeder
Greensboro NC
I use vermiculite (perlite's cousin) in the laybox/humid hide and in the incubator, it's just a personal preference though. Sphagnum (as long as it's fine, not course) should be fine.

Haha, well, luckily I'm not living there, just commuting, I don't like living in big cities, just near them. I'm actually moving to Thomasville, south of gboro. I'm moving for school for being a zookeeper, it's going to be amazing! :DD


I have a 65 Gallon setup with four leopard geckos in it (1 male & 3 females)
they have one humid hide/lay box they all use it and they all lay there eggs in it no problems at all even if the others are in it at the same time.

And how do you distinguish who's eggs they are if you want to identify the sources??

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