Mr. JoBangles
Well 2 of my Leos just recently mated so of course I am preparing myself and my lil friends for eggs and hatchlings. Details are all in this thread: http://www.geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=46161. I have 3 Leos and only have ONE humid hide in my 75g tank. I have only had the girl for about 2 weeks now and she will not go into that humid hide. The other two will though. I have even put her in it myself and she just climbs right back out of it. She will lay next to it all night long (it's on the hot side) but usually during the day will stay in the dry cool hide. I'm using moss as a substrate for the humid hide. I'm just worried she won't lay them in the laybox/ humid hide being this is her first time breeding.
My question is....do i need to add another humid hide/laybox for her, being that all 3 leos share the one i currently have? Why is she not liking the one i currently have? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!
My question is....do i need to add another humid hide/laybox for her, being that all 3 leos share the one i currently have? Why is she not liking the one i currently have? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help and advice!