Lay box/incubation medium etc


New Member
Well...I am just going through the final stages of getting ready to put my first pairings together, so there's a few details to be sorted out.

Is Spaghnum Moss a good medium to keep in the lay box? I've always used it as a humid hide medium with no issues, is laying any different?

Also, what should I be incubating the eggs in? Spaghnum as well? Or does it make a difference?

How do you guys control the humidity in your incubation containers? Do you spray the substrate even as the egg incubates, or does it usually stay moist fairly well on its on?



Hey Kev,
I've used this method for 6 years now and never have any problem . Like I mentioned to you before, I use peat moss for my lay boxes. I used to use vermiculite until I started noticing little golden poop nuggets. The little buggers used to eat the vermiculite. Good luck with the breeding!


New Member
Well I'm just going to give you what I know from what I've read from Vosjoli and such.
I've heard Spaghnum being used without issue for lay boxes, just so long as it is moist and enough of it for them to dig a little. I think some use vermiculite and others use something else.
Incubate in vermiculite. It's sort of the common stuff used and has good success. It retains moisture better.
From my understanding, when humidity gets low you spray the walls within the incubator but DO NOT spray the eggs at all. Avoid them altogether when it comes to putting more moisture in there. It damages the eggs or something, but I bet someone else would be able to elaborate on this more. All I've read basically says check on the eggs every week, keep the inside moist, and that should do it provided you have it at the correct temps.


i use albeys method with vermiculite instead of perlite. once you get the water to verm\perlite ratio (1:1 or i prefer .8:1) you should not need to add water since the incubating container is sealed. i mix up new incubationg medium after all the eggs hatch for the new batch to ensure proper moisture levels and to help keep things sterile. i hatched over 20 of my first eggs this season without any losses.

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