Leo getting too used to handling


New Member
One of my juvenile (3-4 months old) leopard geckos have gotten a bit too used to handling and coming out, he now skips eating and wants to climb on my hand all the time. I'm getting a tad worried because he used to eat so well, but now he just looks up at me even with me dangling the food in front of him. I thought I could get him to stop wanting to come out by not letting him crawl on my hand, but he doesn't even look at the food much even when I do that.

Has anyone else ever bumped into a gecko that would rather to come out and play rather than eat? If so how did you fix this problem? He seems to be eating every other day still, but he's not eating as much as before. He still poops fine, sleeps fine, etc. This was never an issue until I had to, without choice, take them out to clean the tank a couple of weeks ago. Temperature, cleanliness, and hides are all setup right. I had to take a tall fake plant out because he was constantly trying to climb up to the mesh and do the cliffhanger move.

Chances are I probably don't need to worry about it. But anybody got ideas or suggestions on how to make this lil kid eat first and play later? lol :main_yes:


New Member
Stop handling it so much.

Logical solution, I've been trying to do just that. Initially I thought if he wants out, I let him out and he'll go back in feeling all better. But yeah that only made it worse so the poor lil guy will just have to stare up for awhile.


New Member
Wolcott, CT
Maybe if you let the little guy get it out of his system (let him walk around for 5 minutes or so) and then feed him, he'll start paying attention? lol. Also, you can try taking him out and feeding him there. Though, that wouldn't work if you have fast moving feeders. :p

If you don't have time for that, I would assume his instincts to feed will be more important to him over getting to explore if he gets too hungry lol.

EDIT: oops, you already said you took him out at first in the post up there^ lol.


New Member
One of my juvenile (3-4 months old) leopard geckos have gotten a bit too used to handling and coming out, he now skips eating and wants to climb on my hand all the time. I'm getting a tad worried because he used to eat so well, but now he just looks up at me even with me dangling the food in front of him. I thought I could get him to stop wanting to come out by not letting him crawl on my hand, but he doesn't even look at the food much even when I do that.

Has anyone else ever bumped into a gecko that would rather to come out and play rather than eat? If so how did you fix this problem? He seems to be eating every other day still, but he's not eating as much as before. He still poops fine, sleeps fine, etc. This was never an issue until I had to, without choice, take them out to clean the tank a couple of weeks ago. Temperature, cleanliness, and hides are all setup right. I had to take a tall fake plant out because he was constantly trying to climb up to the mesh and do the cliffhanger move.

Chances are I probably don't need to worry about it. But anybody got ideas or suggestions on how to make this lil kid eat first and play later? lol :main_yes:

My leo acts the EXACT same way. She'll ignore food and just go nuts trying to get out to me. She'll sit and stare up, or she'll try to climb and paw at the glass. If I so much as just come into the room and talk to her, she jumps up from basking or comes flying out of her hide to see me. When I put my hand in her tank, she runs onto it and up my arm. I had fake plants for her and ended up having to take them out because she was trying to climb them to get to me. What I usually do is a hold her a few times for about 5 or 10 minutes each time until she calms down a little. She eventually will go bask or sit calmly on her rock. I've been worried about her because she also has not been eating as much but I'm hoping it's just because she's getting older, and as someone suggested, possibly getting ready to ovulate. Just make sure you have some food in there for her at all times, like mealies in a dish.


New Member
Rome NY
My gecko does this too. I tooka tupperware dish and made it into a feeding box.


New Member
The feeding box is a good idea. She'll think she's on a great adventure, and if you're holding the box she'll still enjoy being "handled".


New Member
ive noticed chance won't eat as much now and would rather look up for a way to get out and either be held or explore, he was eating 7-8 crickets . now only a few but eating and pooping


New Member
NOt a gecko expert but I had a burmise python that was the same way. I handled him so much when he was young he was like a dogand all he cared about was getting out of the cage. I would open cage to feed and he would climb out. I'd leave him alone for a good two weeks except for feeding.


Winchester, UK
I have a female thats exactly the same. part from she stoped eating all together, just stood waving her legs around at the glass every time you whent near the viv :p
so i too felt guilty and let her out for a walk around then put her back.
I went on for months then all of a sudden a few weeks ago she just decided she wanted to eat again, like a pig to :p
still wants to come out all the time as well though which is nice :)


New Member
Thanks everyone, glad to read that I'm not the only one. The feedbox is a good idea, I may try that. He sort of pigged out last night after 2 days of not eating, so perhaps hunger does take over and make them want to eat again. We'll see how that goes :)

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