Leo lighting


New Member
I'm a little over a week from getting my Leo and just working on the finishing touches. My apartment is a little on the dark side, any one have any tips on what the use to provide a proper day/night cycle. What fixtures, domes, light bulbs you use ?


New Member
There are plenty of guides here that can help, if you look on the tabs under the Welcome,Rupio section on the top right there is a search box. You can type in anything you want to know and it will bring up dozens maybe hundreds of posts about that topic.

Many here will tell you , all you need is basically a UTH (under tank heater).

I live in an apartment as well, and the AC is usually in 68-72 degrees so i had to get a Heat emitter bulb (infrared) which also serves as a light that wont hurt leos or bother them., i have it kind of tilted so it covers most of the tank towards the cold side and not just warm up one spot.

My temps are 72-80 F during night (cold side)
And 84-92 F during night (warm side)

Just budget up to get a UTH according to your tank size. Oh and super important, buy a digital thermometer with a probe to put on top of the UTH. When i first got my thermometer it read a crazy temp of 110F so i had to go to Home depot and buy a lamp dimmer and was able to regulate my temperature.


New Member
My leopard gecko tanks are in a very dark room as well. I use small LED fixtures for aquariums. (~ $30 at Petsmart) They are a bit too bright though so I put paper towels under them to filter the light. I have a timer to turn them on for 12 hours. I would go for the smallest LED light you can find because they don't really care for bright light. But to have any lights at all, you must make sure you have hides that are completely dark inside so they can get away from the lights if they want to.

Because my house is so cold, I also have red heat bulbs in their tanks 24 hours a day. The leopard geckos don't mind the red bulbs at all. It's great if you want to be able to see them walk around at night. I can usually see them sleeping outside of their hides at night in the red light.

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