Leo only eats in her cage.


New Member
Alright I searched and I think I got a new problem.

My new Leo will only eat in her cage; I have a separate tank that I like to feed my gecko in because I don’t like to keep crickets or roaches in their tank. But when I place her in the feeder tank she will only just sit there not I know she eats because I will put roaches in her tank and ill see her attack them or they will all be gone but I don’t like to put bugs in the leos tank for several reasons.

So I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem and if anyone has found a solution. I don’t want to starve her because she is in a new place and also she is 6months 47g and looks super fat.


Ridgewood, NJ
Some geckos are a bit more shy than others and might feel too vulnerable in a new enclosure to eat.

If she's super fat she might not be super hungry and only want to eat when conditions are ideal. Maybe if she gets hungry she'll eat in her feeding cage? You could try not feeding her for 2-3 days and then showing her some munchies in the cage you want her to eat in. I only feed my 25g+ leos every other day so 3 days shouldn't be a big deal to a 45+ gram leo.



I feed all of my lizards in their cage, but I hand feed. I have a pair of tongs that I'll use, and if they don't want to eat like that, I take everything out of the cage (except my substrate, which is a reptile carpet) and let them eat their food. If they loose interest, I take all of the extra's out and put everything back in.

In the event your leo is like my crested gecko and is HORRIBLY coordinated, I would try the tongs.


New Member
Ooo I can feed her that way but I prefer not to. I like for them to chase the food. makes them less fat and more fit I think.


New Member
Get Exo Terra rubber tipped tongs.

Also, you can crush the crickets and dubias a little so they can't run or jump away or just hand feed them with the rubber tipped tongs.


New Member
If you want your leo to hunt in the cage but are worried about escapee crickets that can come out to eat your fat leo at night, have a simple cage with little places to hide or just stick with dubias. They do run to hide. But you could design a hunting area that is one inch deeper than the rest of the tank. If the wall is slippery, one-inch dubias will not be able to climb out. Even if they can come out, they won't hurt your leo and will just hide. Eventually your leo will be able to find any escapee dubias.



New Member
None of my leos eat outside of their enclosure. we tried to feed them a few times during tank cleaning and removing of the left over dubia or crickets and they just ignore the food. Then again i dont normally worry about crickets or dubia hurting the geckos. sometimes if i want to lure whatever food is left over ill put a slice of apple or orange in the viv at night to see what is still left in the tank and like clock work the leos pick them off as they come out. i do this once to twice a month.

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