Leo Toes


Lancaster Park, AB
So when I first got my Leo, Gaia, when she was about 8 months old she came to me with a broken toe. It healed perfectly and is now just healed at a weird angle.

Well I noticed the other day that it looks like one or two of her other toes have been broken in the past or recently because they bend at odd angles that don't look natural.

Are Leos prone to damaging their toes? She doesn't have anything in her tank that she can fall off of, or get caught on or anything like that so I don't understand how she's breaking toes! (if she is)

Her feeders are always dusted with calcium w/ D3 or a multivitamin supplement and she constantly has her plain calcium in her tank. So it's not an MBD thing or anything, she's perfectly healthy except for the toe conundrum.

Anyone else had this problem before?


Lancaster Park, AB
Here is a picture taken maybe a month ago of her toe that was broken when I first got her. (long since healed)


It's the back left foot and her back toe on that foot.
I don't have photos of the other one but it's the same toe on her right back foot that is now looking the same way where it's bent weird. :|

About a month after bringing her home when I first got her her breeder came to visit and noticed the original toe as well, which was healed by then.
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New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Hard telling. I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as she is active, eating, pooping and all that. If she appears to be in any kind of pain I would recommend a vet visit. Some geckos have been known to have a genetic disorder that doesn't allow them to absorb and metabolize calcium correctly.. Just brainstorming... *shrug*


Lancaster Park, AB
Hard telling. I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as she is active, eating, pooping and all that. If she appears to be in any kind of pain I would recommend a vet visit. Some geckos have been known to have a genetic disorder that doesn't allow them to absorb and metabolize calcium correctly.. Just brainstorming... *shrug*

I think that might actually be it, that she has a hard time absorbing the calcium she gets. Her legs have always been a bit "jittery" since I first got her but she seems perfectly healthy otherwise. I'm thinking about going and picking up a UVA/B light for her and see if that helps.


Toronto, Ontario
Do you have any 2pc hides like 3 in 1 repticave or other any similar hides they can possibly get their toes caught between.
I always make sure the top half is completely fit and snug. A few times I moved it around during cleaning it slid 1 or 2 mm as it wasn't completely set on top. I'd hate to have little injured toes possibly pinched as one loves to stay in that hide all day.

SC Geckos

New Member
Geckos toes are very flexible and bend all sorts of ways that don't look normal even when they haven't been damaged. lol!

SC Geckos

New Member
I was thinking this at first but her toe I'm concerned about now looks like her other toe did when it was broken. :|
As long as she is not limping or showing any ill effects I would not worry about it. (IF) the toe/s were damaged it could have also happened during a shed when she was removing skin from her feet. Its hard to say for sure.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Yea, it could have happened during a shed.. IF you get a UVB light for her, get the Repti-sun 2.0 tube. Looks like a florescent light. Don't have it on her more than 3 hours a day. Leopard Gecko's backs have been shown to absorb like 55% more UVB than a bearded dragon's so they don't need much UVB. Just a touch might help her though. :)


Lancaster Park, AB
As long as she is not limping or showing any ill effects I would not worry about it. (IF) the toe/s were damaged it could have also happened during a shed when she was removing skin from her feet. Its hard to say for sure.

Yea, it could have happened during a shed.. IF you get a UVB light for her, get the Repti-sun 2.0 tube. Looks like a florescent light. Don't have it on her more than 3 hours a day. Leopard Gecko's backs have been shown to absorb like 55% more UVB than a bearded dragon's so they don't need much UVB. Just a touch might help her though. :)

Huh, never thought of them being hurt when shedding, that makes some sense. She did make herself bleed before pulling shed off of one of her toes that wasn't ready to come off yet. :|

And thanks for the advice! I was wondering which bulb I'd need. :)


Alberta, Canada
If you are considering adding UVB, I would suggest watching your Leo's behavior after you include it. I used a 2.0 UVB on my female's enclosure for a couple weeks during the summer as per vet recommendation, but my Leo did not like it. She kept her eyes closed all the time, even when switching hides, and she stopped sleeping out in the open like she normally prefers to do. Once I removed the UVB, she was fine. For some reason, it was bothering her eyes, and I'm sure this is dependent on the individual gecko, but it is something that I noticed with mine so thought I would share just in case.


Lancaster Park, AB
If you are considering adding UVB, I would suggest watching your Leo's behavior after you include it. I used a 2.0 UVB on my female's enclosure for a couple weeks during the summer as per vet recommendation, but my Leo did not like it. She kept her eyes closed all the time, even when switching hides, and she stopped sleeping out in the open like she normally prefers to do. Once I removed the UVB, she was fine. For some reason, it was bothering her eyes, and I'm sure this is dependent on the individual gecko, but it is something that I noticed with mine so thought I would share just in case.

Yeah for sure I'll be keeping an eye on her, plus I think I'll just get a really low wattage one as well. :)

their toes are fragile they can lose toes permanently if you do not get the shed off.

This has nothing to do with shed stuck on the toes...

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