Leopard dorko


New Member
I love my two leos, but honestly one of them (Sherlock) is SO bad at hunting, I don't think he'd survive in the real world!

They're both about 14 weeks old and Watson is awesome at sneaking up on the crickets and then POW! He's got it!

Sherlock creeps up...wags his cute little tail...strikes and misses by a mile! He does eventually succeed (after many attempts), but it's like a comedy routine watching him. He gets super close sometimes then just completely misses.

Also - he won't eat any mealworms. Watson loves them, but Sherlock only tried one once and then wouldn't touch them again.

It's not really a problem, eventually my cute little spaz gets enough and he's gaining weight well, I just thought I'd ask if anyone else has a leopard gecko dork?


California, USA
Yes, I did.
Teaching my gecko to eat meal worms from a bowl helped.
You could keep trying to feed meal worms. But as long as he is eating, he should be fine.


New Member
Coeur d'Alene, ID
I've noticed that my Raka does that when she is not very hungry, like after eating a few crickets, on the last couple she will strike and miss. I call this condition being "cricket drunk" lol. She never really does this after a day of fasting but almost always does the day before her fasting, so I am pretty confident that it has to do with how hungry she is. It makes sense to me too, if they aren't hungry they are probably not as motivated to hunt. I fast her on Thursday and Sunday since I like her to have an active feeding response so that I don't have to hunt down crickets that she doesn't eat. You could try fasting Sherlock for a day and see if that makes a difference for him. The 2 days per week fasting has kept Raka hungry and she is gaining weight and size quickly.

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