Leopard Gecko acting strange & not eating! Help!


About your leo:
- Sex - Female
- Age & Weight -
2 years old, 1.8 ounces or 51 grams
- How long have you owned your leo -
1.5 years
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo -
Once a week
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now.
She hasn't eaten crickets in almost 2 weeks, but was still eating worms. Now, the past 3 days, she hasn't eaten or been interested in any food source. She's also acting skiddish, which is VERY unlike her.
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe.
She has never had any problems.
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal)
They used to be solid, not they seem mushy and/or watery.
- When was the last time he/she went Yesterday, but very little.
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on.
Like I said above, she hasn't eaten crickets in almost 2 weeks. She was eating mealworms and waxworms instead. Now, the past 3 days, she hasn't been interested in any food at all. I've even wiggled worms in front of her face - she smells/licks, but does not eat. She shed TWICE in 2 weeks, which is very weird. She's also acting very skiddish, especially when I try to pick her up. She never behaves this way, so I'm very concerned. She's usually very docile & inquisitive. Now, she seems to sleep in her hide on the warm side of the tank all the time.

A) Enclosure
- Size
30 gallon, long tank
- Type (ex. glass tank) Glass Tank
- Type of substrate:
Very finely granulated sand on the warm side, mossy turf on the cool side.
- Hides, how many, what kind? 2 hides. One hollow log on the warm side, 1 wooden cave on the cool side. When she sheds, I also include a moist hide, which she readily enters when her skin begins to peel.

B) Heating
- Heat source
Heat lamp on top & heating pad on bottom of one side, nothing on the other side.
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side)
Hot Side: 84-92 degrees F. Cool Side:72-80- degrees F.
- Method of regulating heat source
I shut lamp when I notice she's been on the cool side for a prolonged period of time. Otherwise, her lamp is on for the majority of the day. The tank is very long, so she usually goes on each side at her own discretion. There is ample space between the two temperatures.
- What are you using to measure your temps A thermometer on each side of the tank
- Do you have any lights (describe)
1 red heat lamp
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females)
- Describe health, or previous problems
She has never had any problems before. Her weight has been maintained and her tail remains quite fat.

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much)
About 10-12 crickets a week, 15-20 mealworms a week, & occasional 3-4 wax worms as snacks about once or twice a month.
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect)
Crickets run around & worms are left in dish
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands)
TetraFauna ReptoCal about once a week.
- What are you gut loading food with?
Carrots, potatoes, lettuce, & sometimes apples.


Winchester, UK
Leos can go days to weeks without eating, I wouldn’t worry too much unless she starts to lose weight. They seem to go through stages; well mine do any way lol.

I have a few suggestions for weir behaviour; do you have any animals or small children that could have possibly spooked her?
I would suggest getting an inferred thermometer to check the temps, they are much more accurate. The red light will be too much for her, they only need the UTH. Excessive heat can cause upset stomachs and a decline in appetite.

Have you ever had her checked by the vet for parasites? The problem with allowing crickets to fee roam around the viv is that they will eat any feces left by your gecko. This intern leads to problems once the gecko eats the cricket, essentially that means its eating its own pooh.
Insect feeders do also carry parasites that can infect the gecko, best bet would be to send a sample to vet for a quick and easy test.

Also on a side note dose the reptocal just have calcium? or dose it contain other stuff.
if it is just calcium you really need to be dusting with a vit D3 suppliment too. Vit A is also very important.

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