Hello, I recently just bought a blazing leopard gecko at a local pet store and I'm confused on what I should do with it. I live in South Florida where it gets really hot, but it's winter so it obviously doesn't get as hot. I have researched a lot about leopard geckos but I still need help. Right now I have the leopard gecko inside on of these Amazon.com: Brand New, OCEANIC SYSTEMS, INC. - ZILLA DESERT STARTER KIT (SIZE 10) (REPTILE PRODUCTS - REPTILE - STARTER KITS): Pet Supplies which I'm now regretting buying because I don't like it at all. I have a 15 gallon that I'd like to put it in with a heat pad. I was originally going to buy a heat pad but the worker at the pet store said it can burn the baby gecko which kind of shocked me because I've never heard of that before. I've been reading about thermostats that can control the temperature which would be awesome, and also those digital thermometers that are laser pointed. Other things I'm confused about is I was reading that you should have a small bowl for calcium powder, but I've read leo's can overdose on vitamins and my calcium powder has vitamind D3 in it... Is sprinkling crickets/mealworms with calcium powder enough? Or do I need calcium powder with no vitamins also in the tank? Another thing is I like to watch tv as i sleep, it helps me fall asleep, and it's a 40 inch HDTV, would the light and noise disturb my leo during the night? Any other additional tips or requirments are greatly apprecitated. Sorry for all of the text, I'm just unsure of what I need to do with my leo and I want to have the best setup I can, thank you for your time! -Josh
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