Leopard Gecko Head Swollen.


Recon Badger

A few days ago my gecko started to shed and skin is stuck on his face and in his eyes. His left side of his face is swollen and his tail has shrunk a lot. Can you please help me to find out what's wrong with him?


New Member
I also agree with a vet visit, its the only thing for it. From research and experience his tail being shrunk probably means it hasn't eaten in a while and is malnourished. The swelling could be an infection or the eye caps/shed being stuck. No matter what you should get him to a vet asap.


Leopard Gecko Addict!
Muskego, Wisconsin, United States
I've had a similar reaction with one of my geckos and we are headed to the second vet visit of the month to try to determine what the issue is. The vet originally gave us drops for his eyes and some Baytril because it seemed that he had an infection in his eyes. The vet said he would do some digging into what this mystery illness is because he's gotten 5 other geckos with the same issues.

Now his head has gotten raw and pink because he scratches his head on everything because of his eyes. Hopefully we will have some luck this time at the vet.

Make sure NOT to handle any other animal after your sick gecko unless you really scrub your hands.

Also, I've started feeding my gecko chicken baby food to keep his protein levels up as well as soaking him in warm water to keep him hydrated. Those things seem to make him feel better for a bit- more active.

Best of luck with your leo!

EDIT: Just got back from the vet... They say that what my gecko has is viral and is currently unknown how to treat it. Currently there is only supportive care and Batryil- an antibacterial medication- to keep him from getting something else while immunity is down. But definitely take your gecko in so that the doctors can help with your issue.
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