Help please! My leopard gecko Cleo has not eatin on her own in 3 months and I got her about 6 moths ago and she was a baby so she is still a juvenile. I have force fed her or at least attempted to about 6 times throughout those months. Her tail is VERY thin. She was on sand and was supposed to be eating mealworms. I recently changed her to tile and rock and changed her diet to crickets. She has a moist hide and PLENTY of othe hides. She has not yet eatin one cricket. I have tried and tried to get her to eat and nothing... She isn't going to make it much longer. I don't have money to take her to the vet... She has a tale though but I can tell she has NO food stored in their anymore. She was as far as I know impacted. I thought I treated it. I bathed her in warm water multiple times. She pooped the day before I switched her to tile. She hasn't pooped since then. I have seen her drink only one time since I got her... Her setup is as natural as possible at this point. I do have a light tube but I am not sure if it is or isn't UVB. She also had a black light for night before. It is now a red light. So the first problem is that she is not eating. I recently force fed her two mealworms. I have never seen her eat her calcium or anything with calcium on it which is a bad sign. When I force fed her the other day I noticed the inside of her mouth around the rim of her mouth is crusty and rough. The roof of her mouth is a purplish color. I am not sure if this is normal. Also, for a while now she has not opened her eyes even when it's night and even when I take her out of her cage. She runs into walls with her eyes closed like she can't open them. It looks as if she is trying though. I am very scared. Three problems: Won't eat by herself. Can't open eyes. Rim of mouth is hard and roof of mouth is purple... Also, her stomach has blue on it which as far as I know might be the impaction. If you can help then please!!!...!!! I'm begging you! I love her. She is my best friend as my family is falling apart and all my friends don't like me so I guess they aren't really my friends... Please help! I can give you any information you need. I am so scared and this gecko is EVERYTHING to me. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE CLEO! Also, how much are vet costs for the average checkup because I could try to make some money but it would be most likely a dollar per week... I currently have only 50 dollars. Please...