Leopard Gecko Morph (bright orange/red) 4 months old


New Member
Selling my leopard gecko and all of his things WITH him. He is still small and enjoying the enclosure he is in, I do not want to cause him stress by having him move to a new home and an entirely new enclosure as well. He is currently in about a 15 gallon fish tank right now, which is big enough for him for the size he is but anyone buying him will need to know as he grows he WILL need a larger enclosure and it is not safe to put him with other leopard geckos unless you are a professional (which I am not, so I just do not mix geckos at all).
Leopard Gecko Morph - 4months. (not sure if he is male or not, wont know til he is about a yr old but his name is Simba and I just assume he is a boy... If it ends up a girl, you could always change name to Nala, both from Lion King, just a thought)
His tank will come with him, including the two houses he has in it, plants, wooden log, water dish, ceramic light bulb, normal heat bulb (infrared) and the light fixture as well.... and extras of things! You can choose to get just the gecko and his enclosure or get these things as well:
Calcium powder, "pooper scooper" (he is fairly potty trained actually, goes in the same spot of his tank every time), dried mealworms, cricket feeder PLUS cricket gut load & small water tablets I use for them.
Please email me for inquiries on price, the gecko himself was $40 i bought him from Preuss Pets in Lansing, MI and they get their geckos from reputable breeders in Michigan and out of state.

[email protected]



New Member
Price of gecko and enclosure: $200 OBO (ceramic bulb is brand new and that alone costs $50 please keep this in mind. ceramic bulbs can last you up to 5 years+) please email me privately for any more info/offers.
If you want the extras of the calcium powder, cricket feeder (cage) etc. price is $230 OBO

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