Leopard Gecko Morph?


New Member
Hi guys, I just have a query regarding my geckos.
I have two geckos and their parents are Tremper Albino Ruby Eyes (F) x SHTCT (M).
I went on several forums and threads and even asked some breeders here in the Philippines, but they're still torn.
Many say it's a Tangelo (Tangerine x Tremper Albino, which also fits), and the breeders here agree, but they also have concerns since they said Tangelos are not yet present in the Philippines.

Here are comparison photos:
ClayTangelo.jpg OtisTangelo.jpg

So what's the final verdict? Is it a tangelo?
Thank you for the help!

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Well, given your pairing, no. A tremper albino eclipse (which I am assuming you mean eclipse by ruby eyes) and a SHTCT would make normals/tangs het eclipse and tremper.

So if your gecko came out albino, than the SHTCT must be het tremper. In which case, you would get tramper albinos het eclipse.

Is the one with the blue background your gecko? For me it's sort of borderline. It's not super orange, but is more orange than normal. It might come down to opinion at this point. If it were my gecko, I would probably just call it a tremper het eclipse, but I also have a rainwater albino with more orange than that and still just call her a rainwater albino. The reason you're getting some people saying it's a tangelo and some people saying it's not is because everyone has a different opinion on how much orange is enough to call it tangerine or tangelo or whatever. There are no clear cut boundaries.


New Member
Alright, thank you! That was a quick response :D + yup! The gecko pictures to the right are mine.
So the one on top is almost certainly not a tangelo, but the bottom one is borderline? Sorry if I still don't understand quite well

Also, here are more photos, just in case, you need it from another view.
the one on top is Clay, the bottom one is Otis
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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
I would call the top one a tangelo. That one has pretty nice color. The bottom one I (personally) would just call a tremper. It is really a matter of opinion, though.

They are both het eclipse.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Hmm, are you sure that tangelo is a specific line? I always thought they were like sunglows which are just SHT albinos. I could be wrong, though.

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