leopard gecko neurological disorder


New Member
My gecko anna has a neuro disorder. she is 10g underweight. she doesn't have any parasites but I am still keeping her separate from her sister bell because bell is a little bitey at meal time...only towards my fingers because I hand feed all my geckos.
I was hoping that people could give me some tips for fattening up.
I have uth and over top heat emitter and uvb light so she knows when it's day time...I like keeping them on a schedule. I have the whole system on a thermo so it doesn't get too hot. or to cold. I keep a dish of calcium that she licks occasionally in her cage. and she is very active. The only thing I have to go on of why she is underweight is her neuro issue. It's the kind where if she looks up even slightly she shakes her head from left to right....which makes it hard for me to hand feed but she eats off the ground as well. If you want a picture you may go to my profile were I have a few of her and her sister. I also have a large male I keep separately.
Thank you.
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New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Sorry, but it's hard read that font and make sense of the information. What is the neurological disorder? How do you know it is neurological? She weighs 10 grams or is 10 grams less than her sibling? A proper supplement schedule provides all the D3 needed, and a UVB is not needed for a non-basking lizard, which a leopard gecko is. Some are bothered by tank lights.


New Member
10 grams under
It's a neurological problem that makes her bob her head when she looks up.
I know she doesn't need the UVB but it's a light that over a year old so I'm sure it isn't UVB any more.
I keep a light on her because when I turn it off she comes out and I can feed her. I don't want her rest schedule to go off track. I don't feel she is bothered by it at all.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Does she have a under tank heater? What kind of substrate are you using?

Granted I didn't have an issue with one with a neurological issue, but my tremper sunglow wouldn't eat much for the longest time. At the time she was on a reptile carpet. We switched her over to tile and since the heat it conducted so much better thru that compaired to the carpet via UTH her appetite went thru the roof! Can't get this girl to stop eatting now.

Don't know if this would help in your case, but if she isn't on one you might see a difference in her eatting patterns.


New Member
In my post I explained that, yes I do have a UTH. Also she is on paper towels right now. I wanted to switch her cage over to tile but right now she is in my "sick bay" cage and I wanted to line her normal cage with tile. I didn't think she would be in sick bay for this long and now I'm beginning to feel I should just line that cage. Also she doesn't have a problem eating, she never had a problem eating. And she doesn't have parasites. That's why I'm baffled. I feed a variety: butter worms and crickets, wax worms once in a while and I tried feeding meal worms but they only gave her diarrhea. I also give multivitamins, D3, and calcium. I make sure not to over fees with the vitamins and the vitamin D3 because that can arouse issues.

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