Leopard Gecko not eating/losing weight.


New Member
Everett, WA
Also, what is she?

The person I got her from says she's about 2 y/o but I have no idea if there's even a way to check age on a Leo..
I know that Leo's typically stop eating (as much) when they're ovulating, but is it normal for them to get skinny?
Should I tell her that most guys like their girls with a little weight on them?
I got this Leopard Gecko from a local reptile store. I noticed she was just slightly underweight so I didn't really mind.
I brought her home and put her in my 55g breeder that has 4 other Leo's in it. They have a red heat lamp, a heat pad, food at all time with calcium everywhere. (On food and in a separate bowl,) Three different water bowls a huge hide with many holes, a plant right under the heat lamp for shade and a big moist hide with Sphagnum Moss.
She has shed once since she's been here and I've had her for 3 weeks.
She's losing weight. She looks obviously underweight now.
I took her out of there and put her in a separate 10g with a heating pad. It appears she ate 1 meal worm.. But only one. And when I put a worm in front of her face she just goes to sleep no matter how much I pester her about it.
I also think one of her toes is broken.

TL;DR, I take pretty good care of my Geckos but one isn't eating. I separated it, still not eating. Also, has broken toe(?)
Halp please.
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Teck Kuan

New Member
Looks like a Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail (SHTCT).

Just be patient and try out different feeders and see if she'll reacts.

How did her poop looks like?


New Member
Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
Looks like a Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail (SHTCT).

Just be patient and try out different feeders and see if she'll reacts.

How did her poop looks like?

Doe you feed multi vitamins?

Also, what are her floor temps? Hopefully she slowly starts to eat now that she is in a separate tank. But there can be many questions asked regarding a leo loosing weight, so the best idea would be to fill out the health questionnaire on the health section and post the thread there. In that way you can provide all the information about your little gecko and get some good tips :)

But the questions above are absolutely relevant so try different feeders, check her poop and give her vitamins and see if she improves in the meantime :)

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