leopard gecko question


New Member
hello, i am new to the forums and to the leopard gecko world. ive had my leo for about a month now. he eats fine, but recently i bought him a new hide. its an Zoo Med Reptile Shelter 3 in 1 Cave, Medium with moss in it. well he never leaves the hide. he will only leave when i take him out. i havnt seen him get out of it atleast. he still eats, but he hasnt pooped for about 2 days now. he shed 3 days ago. he ate about 4 crickets last night. i was thinkin maybe he ate some moss and got impacted or something. im not sure, so i put some paper towels around the moss so he cant eat the moss, thats if he's been eating it. he is very active when he's out of his hide tho. so im not sure. any ideas? thanks alot!


New Member
I think he is just excited with his new cave :) My leo has the same one and seems to really like it. He just ate last night so it sounds like he is fine. I have read of leo's accidently eating the moss while eating their shed, why I use paper towels. If you feel he spends too much time in it, the tank might be too hot. As long as he poops within 2-3 he should be fine. Remember they are most active late at night whle we are sleeping.


I have three, and they all love their Shelter 3 in 1 Caves. They come out at night and eat, roam around and poop...and then back in the cave they go.


New Member
he doesnt poop in his hide, he poops on a paper towl i have placed in the front. that where he always goes. he just ate a few crickets. the tank is usualy around 85-90 at all times. he's really active when he's out of his hide tho.


New Member
he doesnt poop in his hide, he poops on a paper towl i have placed in the front. that where he always goes. he just ate a few crickets. the tank is usualy around 85-90 at all times. he's really active when he's out of his hide tho.

Active is a good sign, but if he is super active, ex: running from side to side trying to climb out than it can be due to the cool side being too hot. They should have a gradient of at least ten degrees. 75 to 95 would be good. The more options the better.


New Member
the cool side is around 79.

Oh, you wrote 85-90 so I thought you meant that, that was the temp in the whole enclosure. He should be fine then. My leo will not lay on the hot side if it's over 90 but some like it hotter. If he goes too many days without pooping then you can try raising the temp on the floor to 95.


New Member
he actually just pooped lol. its usually 85-90 on the hot side and 77-83 on the cool side, with the humid hide in the middle, which is the 3-1 cave. he loves it. i actually just put paper towls in there and took the moss out. dont want to take any risk. he did give me a scare tho.

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