Leopard Gecko Questions . .



Hi, i was just wondering if anyone could possibly tell me my leopard geckos age i got him at the pet store about a month ago and they werent sure, Also i dont know if hes male or female and i was getting worried because his tail isnt that fat and there supposed to have a fat tail as a sign of them being healthy, Can anyone with plenty experience tell me please ?

p.s What morph is he :p ?

I used my old phone to take the pictures as my new one is away getting repaired soz for the quality next time il use my camera

Thanks, Sean :)


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Sorry but really can't tell what morph because the pics aren't good enough, you can't tell the sex by those pictures, you have to look on the underside, going to google and typing in "sexing leopard geckos" will show you how to sex and give pics, and for a fatter tail make sure to feed him plenty and dust his mealworms or crickets with calcium powder


Tempest Storm
With him being that young, it's best to feed him every day. Young geckos don't have overly fat tails because most of their meals go into growth but you should see it fatten as time goes by. It doesn't take very long. It possible as well you won't be able to sex him until he's older too, it just depends on how well you can compare him to internet pictures. Russel is right though, other then possibly being white or light yellow it's impossible to tell from the pictures what kind he is.

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