Hi, everyone. I'm new here, so please bear with me. My leopard gecko is a 2yr old female. I've had her all her life & have never had any problems so far. Recently, she just stopped eating crickets. I generally switch up her diet; crickets, mealworms & waxworms as treats once or twice a month. I usually feed her about 4x a week - about 5-6 small crickets twice a week, while the other two days consist of about 18-20 mealworms. She usually eats most, if not all, of the crickets overnight and the mealworms in one sitting. She gobbles them up fairly quickly and returns to her hide or a warm spot in her tank. For the past two weeks, she hasn't eaten one cricket. I even tried leaving them in her tank for 3-4 days, but to no avail. She still eats the mealworms and, of course, the waxworms. She simply ignores the crickets. I'm not sure why. I also found it strange that she said twice within this two-week span, but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with her aversion to crickets. In a nutshell, she hasn't really been acting like herself. Even though she still has somewhat of an appetite, I'm concerned. Should I just lay off the cricket feeding for a while? Can leopard geckos get "sick" of certain foods from time to time? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!