Leopold is huge...normal?


New Member
hi! I have a few questions about my leopard gecko. 1. He is huge, almost as big is my Tokay. About 8 inches or so NOT including his tail. Is this normal size for an adult leopard gecko? 2. I got him with no tail, he was a rescue. It seems to be growing back well. It is super fat and about 2 inches long. I feed him large meal worms and the occaisional pinkie, with calcium and a reptile multivitamin always available and on the mealworms. Any suggestions. to help his tail? 3. I think he's a patternless? He is a solid goldish color the full length of his body. Not dots, stripes or deviations in his coloring. This is patternless?
All said he is super cool and I enjoy him immensly. He's a very easy pet. He always poops on the same spot, so I just put paper down on that spot, easy cleaning. Everything else gets cleaned monthly or more as needed. I am going to try to upload some pics of him. His nicname is the closet dragon. You can see why in the pics


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New Member
3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Those are some great shots! He is quite agile! And he does look like a patternless; such a pretty color.

There is nothing you can do to make the tail grow faster. And he looks to be a good size.Tails will regrow looking kinda bulbous. This is because there are no bones in a regrown tail. So the cells don't differentiate between up and down.

The best way to monitor him would be to weigh him. Adult males normally weigh in the 80-90g range, and up. There are "Giant" geckos, and they start at around 110g. But don't stuff him with food to grow the tail. And keep the pinkies to a minimum. There is debate about how good they are for geckos, who are basically insect-eaters. You might find he's happier with a bigger variety of bugs than pinkies. Try crickets, roaches, superworms, phoenix worms, etc. Most pet places carry a variety. (Be sure to gut-load!!)

Finally, thanks for taking in a rescue. I'm so glad you got a great pet, and he got such a wonderful home! Leos can live to be 15-20 years old, so I'm glad he found you!


Staff member
3 Year Member
Very pretty gecko! Thanks for sharing! He definitely looks happy and healthy! Kudos on the rescue and I hope you'll keep us updated on leopold!!

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