Lethargic, Dying Crested Gecko


New Member
Rescued another gecko from the pet shop where I volunteer.
It was over heated to 88-89F and 85 F causes stress, illness and death.
As far as I know, it hasn't eaten in over a week, all they were feeding it was mealworms (there were about 30 mealworms hidden in the papertowel, or under the food dish), and it was not misted very often.

Any suggestions about getting this hatchling/juvenile back on the right track?
I'm providing 26-28 C as the high during the day, and we leave the windows open during the night, drops to maybe 19 C. I have the humidifier going, and have offered it banana baby food. I know they like mango and papya but I did not see either of those kinds.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.


I wouldn't give it baby food. I'd get some Repashy mix and try to feed exclusively with Repashy. I'd try dabbing a little bit on his lips and seeing whether he will lick off the mixture. If so, he'll get some nutrition that way.

I probably wouldn't bother with varying the temperature. I'd aim for a constant 73 to 75 °F and just leave it there.

I would be tempted to mix the Repashy with a little Pedialyte, but I'm not sure whether that's a good idea. I'd probably put a few drops of water on his lips as well as the Repashy.


New Member
It died last night. I'm going to explain to the boss at the pet store the need to know and meet each gecko's needs. Treating it like an arboreal leopard gecko was a bad move.


I hope you succeed. People who don't know what they are doing shouldn't mess with living things (or non-living things for that matter).


Wally - Supreme Gecko
Sussex, WI
Sorry about the loss. In cases like this, I believe feeding is important but hydration is far more needed. If you have a case in the future, one of the very first things you can do (other than remove the animal from the extreme heat of course) is put the animal in a deli cup with a moist paper towel for 1-2 hours.

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