

Led Zep

Hey, I went to my local Petsmart and saw a baby leopard gecko they labeled as leucistic, but it looked a lot like a Blizzard, I know I've heard Blizzards are "true leucistics", but whats the difference? I also looked at VMS herp's website and said that a patternless was formerly marketed as leucistic, but the ones I saw at my Petsmart looked like Banana Blizzards or Blizzards, not like a patternless like what VMS herp said it was. So, whats up with that?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Patternless morphs are commonly called leucistics, which in incorrect. The jury is still out on whether or not the blizzard morph is a 'true' leucistic, but this would make much more sense than referring to a patty as one. Beware of pet store 'patternless/blizzard/banana/blazing' morphs, because they are purchased in wholesale quantities from various gecko mills and their specific genetics are unknown.

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