Light dimmer on UTH



Well I have a question about these light dimmers everyone is putting on their UTH to take them down to about 70 degrees at night:
Normal light dimmers for say your kitchen are only supposed to dim for about 2-3 hours at most before they have the possibility of overheating and sort on you, otherwise they either need to be set at full blast or off. What makes these other light dimmers that everyone else plugs their heat pads into any different? Would it be safer to just leave your heat pad plugged in normally at night? I ask because I don't know about everyone else but i think fire is bad.

And another small side question, I've always been confused about what side to put the humid hide on, UTH side or normal side, i kinda fluctuated before an didnt have any problems but is there a sertain side that would be better for this?
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Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Ive never heard of a dimmer switch going bad on lights, my parents still have the ones that came with their "new" house 24 years ago and I have some that are more than 10 years old for some of our room lighting.

Most people, as far as I know, use a thermostat, a dimmer will only work if the room temps are the same all of the time.

The humid hide has to be on the hot side to produce the humidity.
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Ok, can anyone tell me then if it is ok to leave the pad plugged in at all times? because im at a short in cash and cant afford a thermastat at this point of time but my display tank is like ready to be inhabited


I run 5 UTH's and use a heat gun, my temps stay pretty level at what I want, I leave them in plugged in at all times as well.

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