If I get 30 likes, I get "Insight" on my Facebook page. Been on these forums a couple years. Glad I can share my collection easily with you guys now. Come check it out!
Thanks. Yeah I need to put labels still. At least I know what about half my babies are. Those babies you liked...you think those are straight up super snow? One definitely looks enigma to me but the super snow mother didn't mate a snow this season, so I'm wondering if maybe its a carryover from last season? Anyway, another thread, another day. That box you speak of I believe is an acrylic tank I made that is getting set up for my son'r first pets, a pair of dart frogs. Thanks for looking everyone.
Well this season I bred her to the biggest bold stripe I have on my available page. He is het Bell. Not the smaller bold mack on my available page. I'll label him for you. Last season I bred her to my snow bell enigma. He is on the available page as well. Its funny she laid eggs the day after I introduced the bold stripe this year. I thought they must just be infertile, but looking at the babies, who knows?