Little update from my leos


New Member
Little update from my leos, they all gained weight (big ones are between 45-60grams, Godzilla is 85grams, little ones are between 15-25gramss)

Boefer: Tremper Albino het Blizzard:

Shadow: Hypo het Albino:

Fanta: Hypo het bell: (needs to shed on this picture)

Godzilla: Normal:

Sunshine: Tremper Sunglow(Carrot Tail?):

Horus: Hypo Enigma:

Sprite: Mack Snow het Bell:

Quake: Tremper Albino Mack Snow Enigma het Raptor:

Lonely: Dreamsicle:

Both had Flagalates, this week they where examined and the parasite is gone, so they are not looking very healthy yet, but their eating is improving and they gained 2-3 grams over the last 2weeks.

Dobby: Tangerine Enigma het Blizzard:

Headbanger: Mack Snow Fasciolatus:

Soon a female Hybino (Sunglow) and a male Mack Snow TA het Raptor will join.
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