one month progression, isn't he awesome?
Aug 12, 2012 #1 hyrossf Ferenc Hyross Messages 38 Location Hungary one month progression, isn't he awesome?
Aug 12, 2012 #3 I ian_bean New Member Messages 23 Location ohio looks just like my little girl...whats the morph on that one?
Aug 12, 2012 #4 G GodzillaGecko New Member Messages 156 Location Milford PA Adorable. Really nice color on him.
Aug 13, 2012 #5 hyrossf Ferenc Hyross Messages 38 Location Hungary it's the same baby on both pictures, the father is an emerald tangerine, so I think I should call it "emerald tangerine cross" : ) Here is a picture of the proud dad: Billy, on GekkoBlog
it's the same baby on both pictures, the father is an emerald tangerine, so I think I should call it "emerald tangerine cross" : ) Here is a picture of the proud dad: Billy, on GekkoBlog