Look What I got from Jeanne USA Geckos

  • Thread starter sacredcreatures
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Here is pictures( taken by Jeanne) of the geckos I got yesterday. (I also got two cresteds that I will post with my other cresteds in the Rhac forum). TS as female Jungle Het Bell, Pastel Het Bell female, a Mack snow het bell male and a Bell female. Plus two cresteds. Woo Hoo these are way better in person. Thanks Jeanne. Deb
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Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Your Welcome Deb! I am glad you like them all and glad they went to a good home :)

P.S. Is it just me or does that Pastel Het Bell look like a Giant, long and lanky?


Thanks Everyone, The more I look at them the more I am in love! Jeanne you Rock!! I just can't believe how nice these Geckos look in person. I can't wait for when they are big enough to breed! I will be taking my own pictures soon. I have an old Sony Mavica camera( you know the one that uses Floppies) so I am in the Market for a new camera. If anyone has sugestions please let me know. I hope to get some pics of the cresteds too. Thanks again everyone, they are in a great home and are helping me recover from all the saddness I have encountered over the last two months with the lost of my mom and the problems with my dog and cat. I figured its time to keep my mind busy with something positive!. Deb

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