Looking for a nice, TRULY PATTERNLESS R.A.P.T.O.R. Male, w/ 100% Red Eyes!


Lake Worth, FL
I hope someone can help me out here... I'm looking for a TRULY PATTERNLESS Male Raptor for a project i am working on. This Raptor must me male, and must have a clean pattern on the body! Cannot be a "Speckled" Raptor, or "Banded" Raptor. Must have a nice orange solid color on the body, and must have 100% red eyes!

Needs to be atleast subadult size! No babies or hatchlings, as sometimes they may appear to be patternless as a baby and with a clean pattern on the body, but as they grow, mite develop a pattern. This is why i need atleast subadult size, because atleast by then, it will and should have the color and clean pattern that it will continue to have.

Thank you! You can message me on here, and i should get back to you within a day.

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