Looking for alternative to water crystals


New Member
Northern California
Hello, I am looking for ideas on a replacement for water crystals. Right now I use wet paper towels on a saucer, but it isn't very efficient.

Concerns have been raised that polyacrylamide used in agriculture may contaminate food with the nerve toxin acrylamide. While polyacrylamide itself is relatively non-toxic, it is known that commercially available polyacrylamide contains minute residual amounts of acrylamide remaining from its production, usually less than 0.05% w/w. California requires (current as of 2010) products containing acrylamide as an ingredient to be labeled with a statement that it is "a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer." - Wikipedia (Polyacrylamide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Some evidence suggests exposure to large doses can cause damage to the male reproductive glands. Direct exposure to pure acrylamide by inhalation, skin absorption, or eye contact irritates the exposed mucous membranes, e.g., the sinuses, and can also cause sweating, urinary incontinence, nausea, myalgia, speech disorders, numbness, paresthesia, and weakened legs and hands. In addition, the acrylamide monomer is a potent neurotoxin, causing the disassembly or rearrangement of intermediate filaments. Ingested acrylamide is metabolised to a chemically reactive epoxide, glycidamide. - Wikipedia (Acrylamide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

This is from my article in the feeder section: http://geckoforums.net/f117-feeder-bugs/95004.htm

Any suggestions that are not possibly toxic would be greatly appreciated.


Ridgewood, NJ
You could always get a sponge or even a natural sponge. They can get dirty and grow bacteria rather quickly tho. When I worked in an insect lab we used a glass baby food jar with hole cut into the lid and a fat wick through the hole, kind of like an oil lamp. This way the wick stayed moist as it drew the water up from the jar but the insects couldn't drown int the water. The wick was a lot like a sponge in that it got dirty and needed to be replaced every week or so. It was cheap and you can buy a long length of it and cut it as you needed it.
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B&B Geckos

For my dubia I place a few orange wedges 2-3 times per week. Caution, it will mold every 3 days on average, depending on the temp, must be diligent about changing it. Once you feed for a while, you'll be able to estimate how much they consume and only add enough so that its all gone b4 it molds.


New Member
Northern California
I'm actually going to try this: arachnophiles.com » View topic - Alternative Water Supply Idea for Roaches But with a chick waterer (basically the same thing). If I put the cardboard up to it and ruff up the surfaces with some low grit sand paper they should be able to climb in and out of it. I'm basically going to have only wet pebbles, no real water for them to dip into.

I'm going to add oranges as well. Getting 5000 nymphs and 600 adult females today. Very excite!!!


New Member
Northern California
Just a little update, the autowaterer is working perfectly and not a single drowned roach. Even the tiniest nymphs have no problem drinking from it. Roughing up the sides made it easy to access.

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