looking for an "easy keeper" Cham


gecko hoarder
North Brunswick
And I need recomendations.

I've heard and seen various things, I was hoping I could get a recomendation from some folks who have had experience in a few diff types.

I'm pretty spoiled by my leos and cresties, but BOY, do those chams seem fun!

Any suggestions, advice, other... would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance, D


we have quiet a few leopard geckos and we just picked up a baby veild chameleon from petco and she is adorable we absolutely love her, i know they say that veilds don't like to be handled but she absolutely loves to be picked up and hang out on ur shoulder she will fight to stay on ur hand when u try to put her back in her cage she is a funny one, id recommend a vield to anyone.


i got my first veiled when i was 12...went back a month later for crickets (my petshop didn't get them in cuz it was a bad snow storm) and the clerk was like "wow, they usually don't last this long in captivity" i had her for a loooongg time! She used to go to the fron of the cage when i came in the room, and would get on her hind legs and wave her front ones up in the air and her body would turn to follow me...i thought it was too cute she was great!


Active Member
Veileds are great, they can tolerate some handling but no chameleon is supposed to handled a lot. i say go for them, although i feel jackson's look cooler, they say those REALLY dont like to be picked up. i have cresteds and a leo but my friend has a chameleon and honestly he doesnt take care of it like he should, yet its fine and has grown. They seem to be pretty hardy animals, despite what ive heard.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Veileds are by far the easiest and hardier species chameleon. I've owned both Veiled and Jackson's. Chameleons should only be held when it's necessary, like cage cleaning, inspections and/or vet visits. Of course some tolerate handling better then others. My Jacksons tolerated handling much better then my Veiled. I had to wear a sock or glove on my hand when I had to handle him. Or else he would have torn my hands apart.

My suggestion is Veiled. Do your research and ask questons. It will help in the long run. I actually have a screened chameleon cage that I'm trying to get rid of, but it would be for pick up only. PM me if you are interested.

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