Looking for somethign to replace my chameleon


New Member
The Petsmart near me had a Jackson's Chameleon give birth in the store and basicly gave the babies away since they didnt have the room necessary to raise them. The little guy I had only lasted a month or so, but in the mean time I built a large screened in cage for him.

The cage I built is roughly 36" tall, by 24" wide and 18" deep. I actually spend quite a bit of money on it and would hate to see it go to waste. A friend of mine has a Leopard Gecko and I really liked it.

My question is:
Are there any species of geckos that I would find at a large pet store (not going back to Petsmart) that would take to a vertical arborial cage?


New Member
Crested geckos are arboreal, and many people keep them in screen cages. They've gotten pretty popular in the last few years so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding them. However, if you do get one you may want to get an adult for a cage that size. Anything under 10 grams in size could potentially have issues finding food in a cage that size, but it would be nice and roomy for an adult.

The only thing about a screen cage and cresteds is you need to make sure you can keep the humidity up for at least most of the day.


New Member
Cresties climb glass and acrylic better than screen, and they need more humidty. Gargoyle gecko would be fine in a screen tank. They are supposed to need less humidity, too. I don't know much about either though. You would have to research them.


New Member
The cage was made from a book shelf and only has a screened top botom and front door. The rest is wood. I live in Ohio and due to our cold winters didnt want to build a cage where a cool breeze could blow through. And the front door could easily be replaced by plexiglass or something.

It also has a water drip system and humidifier for moisture.
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New Member
Milford PA
The issue is humidity really. Well unless you go gargoyle then you should be fine. If you replace the door make sure you got good enough air flow. No one likes stale air and a lizard definitely does not like stale air.

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