Los Angeles


Aunt J

Does anyone have any recommendations for reptile supplies and/or reptile vets in the Los Angeles area? I've looked at some of the lists -- I'm just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with anyplace?

Also, any recommendations for a place in LA to buy leos? I'm not looking for anything in particular, or I'd post on the "looking for" thread -- but I'm considering getting a third leo at some point, after I'm sure the two I have in the tank are doing well and the tank can support it, but I can't bear to buy from Petco or PetSmart; I've seen too many sad leos there recently.


Painting the roses red...
Orange County, CA
I lived in Los Angeles for 5 years and just recently moved. Unfortunately, there really were no good places to purchase leos. I would recommend a local breeder like Steve Sykes (www.geckosetc.com). For supplies, you can go to Reptile Depot . . . but it is in Chatsworth and with the traffic in LA, that could take a while. I like to order my supplies online from Pro Geckos and LLL Reptile, which is here in San Diego County if you are willing to make the trek.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
I don't know how it is out there, but vets dealing with reptiles are few and far between in N. Illinois (other than in Chicago, but I'm at school). If I need to take mine to the vet I have 1 choice. You can call any animal hospital in the area and ask where an exotic animal vet is. That is how I finally found the only one by me. I know you won't have actual opinions from customers that way, but if it is like me, you don't have much of a choice.


Sourthern California
What part of SoCal are you in? I do live in the area (Chino Hills) and have been involved with the herp scene here on and off for the last 20 years. What specifically are you looking for?

Unfortunately, Steve Sykes is no longer in Santa Barbara, he has relocated to the Sacramento area.

If you are looking for supplies or vets, I can possibly help if you give me a little better idea where in the LA area you are located.

If you are looking for geckos, husbandry advice, etc. there are a few of us breeders floating around. Just let me know what you need.

You can reach me via email if you like at [email protected]

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