I was handling my gecko today and noticed she had lumps on her sides, that seem almost as if they are air-filled. Any ideas on what they are? They definately did not used to be there as I have documented her growth and checked the old pictures.
Is that possibly from over D3 supplementation? She eats like crazy and may be getting too much from the vitamin powder. Should I just remove the calcium dish and all calcium sources until they go away?
Well from what i understand geckos should be given Calc. with D3 once a week or even once a month. It just means she has a lot of Calc. so just take them away for a while and they should go away, thats what im doing for mine.
Yup. Calcium pockets. Nothing to worry about. If you want you can remove the calcium dish, and just dust the feeders like you have been doing. She looks nice and fat.
I was also worried about my female the other day for the same reason. I read some old posts and found out it's a sign of a healthy gecko (calcium deposits). She's getting plenty of nutrients. My girls' went down after 2 days. I did not take away the calcium.
I just noticed that on my girl yesterday but I searched around and they say it's a sign of a healthy gecko . I don't like the way it looks so I'm going to cut down on the calcium intake a little. I use the flukers cricket quencher with calcium, gut load, t-rex leopard gecko dust, and calcium. It may be a little much lol.
I'm really glad to see this post right now, as two of my favorite big girls developed the same small lumps behind their legs and I was freaking out about it. I'm glad to know its nothing thats a huge deal, and will just reduce the amount of calcium they get by a touch (one shares a tank with another who was a bit low on calcium, so I made sure plenty was in a dish, I guess I should have just checked about the D3 thing.)