This year im breeding for mack albinos. If the macks arent TSD, is there any point in trying to temp sex them? Because if not, i was just going to breed at 89 for better colors.
I spoke with Steve from at he NARBC this year about this. His thought is that some wheren't seeing the odds they expected from small samples of hatchlings and also may have incubators which aren't very reliable (hava-bators) which my spike and effect the sex of an animal thus leading to the theory that Macks are TSD. Anyways he says he hasn't seen in with his colony and he produces hunders of macks every season I'm sure.
Too many people are noticing the same thing with the Macks for it to just be random - in my opinion anyway. I think it will be interesting to see what happens with it.
Paul - I believe that the high temps led to nice black/white in hatchlings, but I think they may yellow up more as adults. I'm not sure if that's true, but I believe I remember reading it...