Malaysian Golden Gecko Help Needed


New Member
Champaign, IL
For starters, sorry if this is in the wrong spot. I didn't see any sections that the Malaysian Golden Gecko would fit in, but I may have missed it due to classifications or scientific naming that I didn't recognize.

If you don't feel like reading a lot, here's a quick summary.

Summary: Mid-size gecko (most likely Malaysian Golden Gecko) in 20G newly setup vivarium, temp 85 degrees, humidity 50-70%, eating crickets (5-6 in a week)

Story and Background Information: I need some advice on caring for a Malaysian Golden Gecko. (or at least I think that's what it is) I work at Petsmart and some of the guys found a 5-7" gecko (including tail)(estimate) while moving some boxes out of storage. How it survived in the back rooms of Petsmart I have no idea. The last time our particular store sold this type of gecko was over a year and a half ago. They put it in a cage in one of the back rooms, and being in the petcare department I started taking care of it. After about a week I decided to adopt it and house it in my extra 20 gallon terrarium.

For about a week I kept the setup very simple; some basic wood substrate, water dish, and two hides. Towards the end I also added some fake plants to the sides to try and encourage my little friend to climb on the walls. For food I initially put 5-6 crickets in with it and Im not sure if they died or if he ate them. (I saw him eat 1 or 2 and I haven't seen any dead ones laying around so I assume the latter)

I have always been interested in having a vivarium, and being a proud new gecko owner I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. I spent a few days researching and gathering materials, then yesterday got to work constructing a simple vivarium. (clay drainage substrate, screen, topsoil/moss substrate, 2 plants) I also got a light that will help the plants grow and provides a good amount of heat, keeping the temperature around 85 degrees. Once I was finished I added the two hides back to either side of the vivarium, as well as a large rock, decorative statue thing, and water dish.

A few quick comments on the gecko itself and then I'll get to my questions. It is relatively inactive, often hiding under my warm side hide during the day. If I turn all the lights off for an hour or two I can sometimes catch it out, but thats pretty rare. (only once or twice since Ive had it) I've also noticed that it seems to struggle with climbing. When I put it in a plastic container while setting up the vivarium it tried climbing the sides but often slipped. It looked to me almost like its feet were only kinda sticky, similar to tape that has gotten dirty. It has been changing colors like crazy, with combos such as grayish blue/brownish orange, pale white/golden yellow, and bright white/orangish red. (first color being the base color and second color being the faded stripes) Finally, like I said earlier its eating habits have been spotty. I know it has eaten some crickets, but every time I try to feed it mealworms it refuses, and it has to be hungry because 5-6 crickets in a week is not that much.

Hopefully this is enough background information so you have an idea of my current situation. Now down to some questions.


1. Does its activity level suggest illness, stress, or any other negative condition?

2. Is there anything wrong with its eating habits? Should it be eating more? Should there be more to its diet?

3. Are consistent color changes a sign of stress?

4. Is my enclosure set up correctly?

5. How can I encourage it to climb around more rather than just hide?

6. Is there anything wrong with its feet?

Thanks for all the help guys it really means a lot! I am a first time gecko owner so I don't really know that much, trying to learn though. Any tips and tricks you have would be greatly appreciated! I'll try to post pictures within the next couple of days so you can get a better look at my enclosure as well as the gecko. (maybe help me confirm that it is indeed a Malaysian Golden Gecko?)



New Member
That's way underfeeding a Golden. I have two myself and have them happily eating Repashy CGD. Goldens are nocturnal, so they would naturally be hiding during the day. They are skittish as well. They make fantastic 'look, but don't touch' pets. Give it lots of places to hide and it will be happy. Once you get pictures, I can confirm whether or not it is a golden or not.


New Member
Champaign, IL
While I work on getting some pictures uploaded, any tips on getting it to eat more? I bought 12 more crickets today and put 3 in the vivarium before I left for work tonight. Two of them walked right in front of it yet it made no attempts to attack or eat them. Is it just stressed out with all its been through? Thanks!



New Member
They are probably stressed. I'd give them a couple days to just relax and settle into their new environment.


New Member
Champaign, IL
Here are some pictures of him (I think Im gonna name him Trooper) and the basic vivarium I have him in. Sorry the ones of Trooper are kinda blurry, I was having trouble holding the light on him with one hand and keeping my phone camera steady in the other.

In these pictures he is in what I would call his dark phase. (gray base color with orangish brown stripes)



And here are a few pictures of the vivarium. Not too fancy but I tried to make it look good.




Btw, thanks for your feedback! It's nice to get on here every day and actually have responses to my questions. =)



New Member
He is definitely a golden gecko. While nice, your setup has one major problem, it is horizontal, and the gecko needs a more vertically oriented setup. You can turn the tank on it's side and make a front opening lid for it, if you want to keep it the way it is.


New Member
Champaign, IL
I was afraid you would say that. =/ Is my current setup BAD or just NOT IDEAL? Im sure I will eventually get a more vertical setup, but for now I don't have the money to buy anything and it may take me awhile to figure out the whole 'turning it on its side' thing. How would I make a front opening lid for it? Can I just set the light directly on the glass rather than the screen or do I need something to hold the light up off the surface? Thanks for the advice. =)

Also, just an update on feeding. He seems to be eating ok, 4-5 crickets disappeared as well as 2-3 mealworms. Im gonna start looking into better nutrition (Calcium powder and other supplements) as well as fruit. Any suggestions on what fruit is good and what to avoid?

Thanks again!



New Member
Just not ideal. You can do a rather simple trick to get it 'more' vertical and that's just propping one end up, just make sure the other end can't slide. Here's a link to the kit to convert the tank: You don't need a supplemental light, unless you are using it for plants or heating. Goldens are nocturnal. For dusting, I use the same stuff (Repashy Calcium+) that I use for my leos. If you want to feed fruit, I'd recommend just feeding Repashy's Crested Gecko Diet, it works like a charm for my girls and they love it. The reason I say go for that over plain fruit is that fruit molds very quickly and it doesn't really give them many nutrients aside from the sugar content, where the CGD is an entire meal. I'd equate it to eating a candy bar vs eating a full dinner.


New Member
Champaign, IL
Yeah Im dusting with a supplemental powder right now. Its got calcium plus a ton of other stuff. Supposedly pretty good, although I would like to get some CGD eventually. I saw some at one of my local pet stores so I may pick it up soon. From the pictures do you think Trooper looks unhealthy? Im keeping the humidity over 50% and feeding on a regular basis but I still feel like he looks a little ragged. Could be he's still stressed though.

Im also gonna look into that vertical setup. With those custom lids I think I could make it work.

Just a quick question for you. There is a reptile expo coming up in my area and I was considering looking for another gecko to compliment my golden. I was thinking a crested or day gecko would be a good fit. I know that it generally isn't recommended to mix species but would either of those combos potentially work? It seems to me that they have similar requirements.. and the day gecko will be active during the day so it would stay out of the golden's way.



New Member
Goldens aren't really social geckos. Even though I have two, I keep them separate. One thing to keep in mind is that doubling the number of geckos means more than doubling the number of hides, feeding spots, water spots, etc. The geckos will compete for the best spots and unless they have tons of places to go, one gets the best, the other doesn't.


New Member
Champaign, IL
So you wouldn't recommend housing two golden geckos together?

What is the best way to go about finding out the sex of a gecko? I feel like mine would probably flip out if I handled it beyond letting it sit on my finger haha, so any advanced examination would be tough.

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