male not mating


Leo addiction!!!
Joliet Illinois
Hey i was just wondering if anyone has came across a male that is ready to be bred but wen put in with a female, shows no interest in mating? He is in perfect health and good weight but really doesnt seem interested in her! He licks a lil bit and then jus walks away! His eating has slowed down a lil bit but he is still in good health! Figured he was ready to breed! Any ideas anyone?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Are you leaving him in with the female over night? If so you just may not be witnessing the breeding.

Also if the females is not receptive some males seem to pick that up right away and won't even bother.

Another idea is to take both the female and male out of the tub, place another male in there, and let him mark his sent and then remove him. Then add the female and male back in the tub. Some have also suggested adding another males pooh to the tub to kick start the male. But you'll want to make sure that you keep an eye on them, with either of these ideas, in case the male gets the idea that the female is a male and beats her up.

Another idea is to put the female into the males tub. I'd use this as a last resort, as not to stress the female unnecessarily. I have a female that is more aggressive when the male is in her tub, but when placed in the males tub she's receptive.
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Leo addiction!!!
Joliet Illinois
I have not left him in overnight cuz i wanted to make sure if they did mate. She did kinda smack him in the face with her tail when he was at her tail base lickin but then just walked away. I never seen any male tail shakin either. Ill have to try a few more times and then try out your other ideas! Thanks


Wally - Supreme Gecko
Sussex, WI
Golden Gate Geckos said:
If the female is not ovulating (producing egg follicles) she will not be producing pheromones, which are hormones that trigger the breeding response.

Is there a way to visible tell that the female is ovulating? Thanks!

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