I haven't seen any references to any kind of difference between the sexes. Is there a preference based on personality or size? Or are they just pretty much the same?
Not entirely sure what you are asking here. Are you asking how to tell the difference between the two sexes, or are you asking if either one makes a better pet than the other?
Males are great pets as long as they're housed alone. Females do better if you want more than one in a tank. They all have their own personalities, some like to be held a lot, some don't. As far as gender differences in feeding, I really haven't seen any. Some are piggies, some eat in privacy, some are casual diners eating every few days. Some wander their enclosures a lot, others are lazy and like to hang in the hide.
I would definately go with a male as a pet as well. As far as personality goes, the majority of MY males are more "outgoing". They'll voluntarily get on my hand, sit on my lap, and stay there for longer times; whereas the females wants to get off pretty quick. And most importantly, males won't stop feeding during ovulation!! This behaviour REALLY REALLY drives the owner crazy! Especially a new owner!
Ah, if that is the question then I would vote male also. Having to deal with ovulation and possible egg-binding is just too much of a headache for a new gecko owner. Just my opinion, though.