malnourished geckos on craigslist.


I found a craigslist post from a person who is trying to rehome 8 leopard geckos whos tails are nearly to the bone. He's charging $80(each or for the group i dont know) and he has the audacity to call them "fat and healthy." I can't afford to feed 8 new geckos even if he gave them to me for free. The animals need someone to care for them.

What do you folks do in a situation like this? Just close the tab and forget about it? I guess that is all that can be done. Sorry just relaxing my thoughts here.


New Member
:rifle:Knowing me if I seen that post id end up being really immature and sending him a nasty email. I mean atleast let them go for free...thats the part that pisses me off is he has the nerve to sell them. People need a wake up...and giving them some coffee is not what I had in mind :evilgrin:...I wish there was a boxing emoticon.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If someone is looking for a rescue home, I may take in a gecko if I have the space and time to properly care for it. Certainly not 8 sick geckos. It's too much risk to my own animals. If they come in thru my herp society, I feel obligated to take them, sometimes to only humanely euthanize. To pay for 8 sick geckos- absolutely not under any circumstances. It can be very costly to rehabilitate a gecko between vet bills and medications, not to mention the time it takes to administer ongoing treatments.

So, yes, close the tab.


Tempest Storm
There's not much else to do. Perhaps report him or find a rescue willing to help. It's hard, I work in an animal health and feed store and deal with people unwilling to care for their animals properally all day long simply because they don't want to spend the money, they'd rather have a $100 dollar purse. It makes me livid but there's nothing you can do.


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Flag it as prohibited.
They're selling something that isn't what they're claiming it is. (healthy)
Then go snuggle with your friendliest gecko.
You can't save them all from CL. I know I wish I could sometimes.


New Member
I know the feeling. I fell though for 2 that needed help... I didnt care bout the costs i drove 4 hours one way to get them. The people wanted 50 bucks for them but i was determinded to talk them down-which i did with a simple threat of turning them in..wish it hadnt came to that tho..- I got there, one had a eye infection in both eyes and MBD...The other had a broken jaw, front legs, and full blown MBD. They were on cork.. no heater...outside... I didnt know ANY of this till i got there... Obviously i couldnt say no. Now over a year later and tons out in vet bills I rehomed Bothersome-eye infection one- who was a wooping 65 grams when i shipped her off all better...well as much as she could be. Happy fat gecko. Troublesome the other one is still here. After 8 months of careful force feeding she now eats all by her self. Jaw fully functional. Legs bent oddly but not in pain. One of the SWEETEST geckos i own... Just a heart warming story^_^. In a case of 8 tho thats alot...Lavash yours with the attention...I cant go on craigslist anymore:/ its a terrible site in my opinion but thats me.
I personally wouldnt flag it. They maybe lying but getting it booted off there makes it so they dont even have a chance of getting outta that bad place...


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Don't bring something home that could potentially get your animals sick. Who knows what they could have, for all you know you could be paying $80 for full blown crypto. As sad as the situation is and as much as you would want to help (I'd be feeling the same way) just think about the animal(s) you currently have and what could possibly happen to them.

As for craigslist, too many morons on there getting rid of unwanted animals that they neglect and get away with it.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
If you have a spare 10 gallon tank that can be kept in a separate room from the other geckos, you could try rehoming one of them,(I would only do it if they were reasonably close and free). 2 of my geckos are craiglist geckos and luckily they have been healthy and hassle free!

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