Mandarin Tangerine Enigma

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
We've had some requests for an updated pic of this gecko, so here she is. This pic doesn't even do her justice. Her color in person is amazing.

She's one of our best of the year, Torrie, a Mandarin Tangerine Enigma. Beautiful girl, 70g at just 4 months old! She eats like a horse, mealies and dubias....I think she'd eat a steak if we threw it in. She has no Enigma issues at all. Perfect. Hopefully our luck will continue as she matures. We hope to produce a male like this next season for her so we can produce these down the road. The mellow Mandarin genes seem to have been the perfect match for mother Venus, who also has no neurological issues. Good combo...



Geckos ahaaa yeah, Ray's Beauties.

She's one of our best of the year, Torrie, a Mandarin Tangerine Enigma. Beautiful girl, 70g at just 4 months old!

Ray, she is a TOTAL beauty.
And 70 grams at 4 months. Just super possibilities.
Good luck on a worthy male hook up.
If you get a chance....I would really be interested in her length.
Thanks. Take care. HJ

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
What makes this gecko a "real enigma" is the total lack of the quirky nervous ticks that plague this morph. She is very smart, focused, and calm, like a normal gecko. She craves being held and always wants to come out to socialize. This is no ordinary enigma. If we can produce a male like her next year that also has no issues we could be onto something. Imagine an Enigma free of those issues? I know it's a long shot but we aren't giving up on this beautiful and intriguing morph.


Hampton, GA
What makes this gecko a "real enigma" is the total lack of the quirky nervous ticks that plague this morph. She is very smart, focused, and calm, like a normal gecko. She craves being held and always wants to come out to socialize. This is no ordinary enigma. If we can produce a male like her next year that also has no issues we could be onto something. Imagine an Enigma free of those issues? I know it's a long shot but we aren't giving up on this beautiful and intriguing morph.

That would indeed be amazing. If Enigmas did not have the syndrome associated with them I would definitely be working with them.


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
What makes this gecko a "real enigma" is the total lack of the quirky nervous ticks that plague this morph. She is very smart, focused, and calm, like a normal gecko. She craves being held and always wants to come out to socialize. This is no ordinary enigma. If we can produce a male like her next year that also has no issues we could be onto something. Imagine an Enigma free of those issues? I know it's a long shot but we aren't giving up on this beautiful and intriguing morph.
It'd be wonderful if you're able produce enigmas without the syndrome. They really are beautiful but the potential health issues has put me off from buying any.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
It'd be wonderful if you're able produce enigmas without the syndrome. They really are beautiful but the potential health issues has put me off from buying any.

We have avoided Enigmas as well, but the mother has no issues either. This female is perfect so far. We'll know by Spring if that continues. If so, we'll move towards producing a male. Mandarin the father is a super mellow and very high quality gecko, so adding his genes in may be the ticket. Time will tell.

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